Category "c++builder"

What is the difference between TADOQuery and TADOTable?

What is the difference between TADOQuery and TADOTable? first example int number = 0; Query->SQL->Clear(); Query->SQL->Add("SELECT number FROM Param

Unresolved External with boost in C++Builder 11 Alexandria

I have a simple program, it has a VCL form, and in the constructor there is this code: __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { usi

ilink64 Error Fatal: Error detected (EXE1829)

Error (ilink64) Error Fatal: Error detected (EXE1829) occurs during link of Win64/Release static library using C++ Builder 10.2.3. Win64/Debug links fine as wel

What Prevents C++Builder "Method Toxicity Metrics..." from Listing Any Methods?

I'm using C++Builder 11.1. I have a completed 32-bit app in Debug configuration and want to check the toxicity metrics. When I open Project > Method Toxicity

What Prevents C++Builder "Method Toxicity Metrics..." from Listing Any Methods?

I'm using C++Builder 11.1. I have a completed 32-bit app in Debug configuration and want to check the toxicity metrics. When I open Project > Method Toxicity

Invalid pointer operation error - TImage object

I'm coding with C++Builder 10.2. Every time I load a picture to my TImage object, I get an "Invalid pointer operation" error: This happens whenever I load a

"[ilink32] Fatal: Out of memory" in C++ Builder

After updating Embarcadero C++ Builder to a new version, our project suddenly fails to build. This happens just with one of our projects. For the most of the te