Category "converters"

Convert from a pdf byte[] to Postscript using Java

I am looking into creating PostScript file from a pdf as byte[], to send to printer. I've checked this post and the reply from Dustin seem to be somewhat simila

How to convert a two-dimensional byte array into a single byte (Arduino)?

I have this array: bool data[] = {{1,1,1,1},{0,0,0,0}}; And I need to convert it into bool data type like this: byte data = 11110000; Any ideas?

Convert a Python block of code into a single line

Below is the python block code, def compute_hcf(x, y): while(y): x, y = y, x % y return x which I wanted to convert into single line like below, d

How to use Spring Converter for some controllers only?

I have c converter which works: public class StringToLongConverter implements Converter<String, Long> { @Override public Long convert(String sour

Is there a way to convert Python to R?

Hey I am trying to convert my python code to R and can't seem to figure out the last part of the recursion. If anyone who has experience in both languages could

Is there a way to convert Python to R?

Hey I am trying to convert my python code to R and can't seem to figure out the last part of the recursion. If anyone who has experience in both languages could

Can't convert column with pandas.to_numeric

I have a column of data, here is a snip of it: a = data["hs_directory"]["lat"][:5] 0 40.67029890700047 1 40.8276026690005 2 40.842414068000494 3

XSD to XML Converter

I am trying to convert an XSD file into its corresponding XML document. Using IntelliJ's built-in tool makes this easy but something is wrong. It seems to be