Category "c++sharp"

How to use impersonation in Blazor Server Side to access a folder on a File Server

In .NET Framework, using this would let me impersonate a user in Active Directory to gain access to a locked down folder on the file server: [DllImport("advapi3

How to achieve Indeterminate state for checkbox in Xamarin form In Android

I want to achieve CheckBox where it works for three state. In UWP I am able to achieve with custom Renderer with "IsThreeState" and by setting IsChecked propert

ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC JWT Login return 401

I have a problem , jwt authentication return 401 Error. Token was created but always return 401 error. I used layered architecture. I tried many things on start

.NET 6 problem: Bearer error="invalid_token" error_description="The signature is invalid" in SwaggerUI

I am currently trying to make authenticator when a specific user logs in and gets the weathercontroller information. It says that the jwt token is invalid. So I

Uno Platform Project reports: The reference assemblies for .NETFramework,Version=v5.0 were not found

I am trying to create and run an Uno Platform app using Visual Studio Community 2019. It always reports the error: The reference assemblies for .NETFramework,V

How do I get the userId to save in the database while submitting the form?

I'm a beginner and well i'm doing a form which is capable to send information to the database but I needed one more thing to be sent and it is the Id from the u

301 Permanent Redirect with Blazor and razor page

I would like to redirect all pages which doesn't match to any pattern to homepage. Structure of the URL makes it possible with catch-all option and I can easily

How to serialize multi-types Collection with IXmlSerializable

I'm writing an xml that seem decent to me but i have issue reading into last collection. Xml <SWorkspace Title="Default" NosWorkSpaceGuid="69c4d731-a44d-4

DateTime from view to control to Mapper

i'm trying to pass A DateTime data type to a controller that will call a Mapper to pass it into a db. Additionally the DateTime is taken from a db at first. db

"System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80090308): The token supplied to the function is invalid" when TLS13 is enabled

After adding the below registry key to enable TLS1.3 on Windows Server 2022 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Proto

Adding additional records to existing relationship not working

I am trying to add a new Template to an existing Client, but when I try to add the Template with an existing ClientID, it instead adds a new Template with a new

c# I cannot figure out how to move User Control within panels

I have 6 panels on my screen. I have 1 user control with a button. I am having two issues. When I load up my user control(only loads when called) into panel 1,

How do I force Visual Studio 2019 to generate a .deploy file for an icon for ClickOnce deployment/install

I'm running into a problem publishing/installing a ClickOnce application being built in C# in Visual Studio 2019. The application is being built using .NET Cor

c# How to get the most repeated pixel values from an image

Bitmap image; private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { pictureBox1.Image = image; Color co; for

Separate connection file in C# and ModbusClient

Could you help me with this: I need to create a connection file to a PLC through ModbusClient, a separate file from the Main, but within the same solution. I ha

Which process runs python script running through in C#

I have the following script. try { PythonEngine.Initialize(); using (Py.GIL()) {

Sort dynamic model with orderby

I am combining 2 tables that I transferred to the dynamic model into 1 table in the cshtml part. And I want to sort that table by a column(OrderBy). How can I d

How to set color for checkbox present in datagridview?

I have a datagridview in windows form. It looks like this. In this, have one Checkbox column, two textbox column. My requirement is need to set readonly true a

C# - Save XML file as PDF as Raw Image (not converting)

I am trying to save xml file as PDF as it is. In other words, I am trying to create PDF file that shows content of XML like a screenshot (like raw screenshot).

how do i make a picture box hide and show on click within an array?

im having trouble with a project which requires me to make a picture box inside of an array disappear when i click it, but for some reason, im having trouble ge