Category "c++sharp"

Troubleshooting enums with

Are there any best practices in troubleshooting enums when using with Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL provider? It's just that I don't know where to look

Easier way in .net Avalonia to change the background color of the Window's System Top bar?

In dotnet's Avalonia-UI framework. I'm using a dark UI and I managed to make everything dark as per this example but one thing: the window's System top bar in W

Byte to Varbinary(max) to Base64

Ok so i generate an img in c# and save it as follows: ... using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { bitMap.Save(ms, System.Drawi

Xamarin.Forms: Reload a contentpage contained in a tabbedpage to update the data

The default language of my Xamarin.Forms app for Android is French. I would like the user to be able to change the language and choose English or Spanish. To d

Does automapper support mapping collections with circular references?

I'm using automapper to map collections of incoming DTOs objects and save it all at once using Entity Framework. Everything works perfectly fine till I came acr

Ubuntu-OS Compatible Tiff image format to Jpeg image format Convertion (.NET 5)

I want to Convert Tiff file/filestream into Jpeg file/filestream. I am curretly developing a Blazor Server app with .NET 5 in Windows. But my Server is in Ubunt

android.os.RemoteException: Accounts ContentProvider failed: GoogleCertificatesRslt: debug cert rejected:

hi tell me pls where and what this mistake. im beginner and dont know what its means FATAL EXCEPTION: Blocking Thread #1 Process:, PID: 23

How to add button to a specific DataGridView C# WinFrom

Hi, I am very new to C# and window forms. Just like this image showing, I added DataGridView_B to DataGridView_A, where DataGridView_B is usually invisible an

Is OnDestroy reliable in Unity?

In Unity I have a script in which I connect to a socket via TCP and want to use this connection every frame. I need to dispose and clean up after that. My idea

I can't run C# console application ( version `GLIBC_2.32' not found)

I am on Ubuntu 21.04 and running a C# console application in Jetbrains Rider. And it says: /home/Door/RiderProjects/ConsoleApp1/ConsoleApp1/bin/Debug/net6.0/Con

containing type does not implement interface 'IComponentConnector'

For some reason visual studio will not compile the below code. I am on .NET 6 WPF. Has there been any breaking changes that doesn't allow me to extend System.W

Why is it valid to pass static types in and out of interface methods in C#?

I noticed that the following code seems to compile just fine, when I would've expected multiple errors: public interface ITest { Math Foo(MathF x, ref Conso

Create an expression dynamically to sort Linq to Entities ascending/descending based on a dynamically provided property name

Here is what I am trying to do. I have done a few simple expressions, but this one is a little too much for me right now. public static Expression<Func&l

How to use AutoBogus/Bogus to generate a constant value for a property based on its type?

I'm trying to generate objects of a class whereby its value should reflect its type. For example, if its property's type is a string, then that property's value

Complicated Json to C# Object Deserialize with classes

I am trying to deserialize a json response I get from a web call. I have it 90 percent figured out. The only part I am having a hard time figuring out is there

Complicated Json to C# Object Deserialize with classes

I am trying to deserialize a json response I get from a web call. I have it 90 percent figured out. The only part I am having a hard time figuring out is there

Sustainsys.Saml2 - Saml2/Acs endpoint returns Error 500 when processing SSO

I've created a C# ASP .Net Core 6.0 application, and trying to implement SSO with Azure AD using Sustainsys.Saml2, specifically with the Sustainsys.Saml2.AspNet

WinSCP .net library - Protocol.Ftp - System.FormatException Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string

I have SFTP working, just to trying to add Ftp to our existing program. Is SshHostKeyFingerprint recommended for Ftp protocol the same as with SFtp? If needed,

HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() throwing multiple exceptions

I have this static class used for sending Http POST requests to my webserver via the HttpWebRequest libraries: using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System

Copy Text from one browser window to another programmatically

I have this two browser windows, which are opened for each order on an apparel list with about 18K orders. I have to manually copy the values from the first win