Category "c++sharp"

How to realise sound effect in console-based effect for each char

How to realize sound effects in console-based effect for each char. in example: Ace Attorney dialogues I have a loop that slowly prints chars static void PrintS

Adding Google authentication to ASP.NET with Angular Visual Studio template

I have a project that I created with the ASP.NET with Angular Visual Studio template with the individual accounts authentication type. I then added Google authe

Trying center a tower on tilemap

Iam making a placement system using tilemaps, its almost done but have a small problem. Placement System As you can see the tower never be on middle of tiles, i

Why folders in VS 2019 shows red cross 'X'?

My Observation: Its for empty folders or for empty folder hierarchy. If I add the folder again then cross is removed. (I have re-sharper installed, and don't k

C# how to get an array of int* from unmanaged C++

On the unmanaged side I have short* m_pLevels[4], I need to get this array of pointers to the C# side so I can then use each point to copy from the unmanaged si

How can I skip loop for first and last element of array and set them to constant value?

I would like the loop to start from the second element and to end before the last one. So that I can set the first and last one to constant value. for (int i =

How to use IOptions pattern in Program.cs in .NET6, before

Using the options pattern in .NET6, I can get access to some config values as follows: builder.Services.Configure<ApiConfiguration>( builder.Configura

Handle File Upload type based on button click in Controller - MVC 5

Is there any way to handle uploading file type based on button clicked in MVC 5 Controller. Currently what is happening is all buttons redirect to same page. Al

Is there a way to pass the webdriver instance from one class to another in c# selenium?

I've been searching for a while and can't seem to find anything on c# about this, only java and other languages. Does anyone know how/if it is possible and is a

How to defend app and system from uploaded C# code

Currently, I have the WEB API that will check uploaded code from the client and run it. It is the platform for testing. For example, there is a test for users:

Trouble inserting values into SQL table, values get mistaken for columns

I keep getting an exception that reads: "Invalid Column Name, 'IBM'." The error is happening at: "' + @ticker + '" even though @ticker is declared in VALUES.

Why doesn't my csc.exe compiled code accept a documented String.Split overload?

I'm using an overload of String.Split that the docs says is a valid overload (string, then StringSplitOptions). string separatingString = "<<"; string tex

Can I use EnvDTE and VisualStudio.SDK in a .Net 6 project?

With VisualStudio 2019, I used to be able to use EnvDTE80 that comes with VS2019 installation. It worked fine within my .Net 3.1 project. Then I upgraded my pro

firebase remote config. fetching failure: http code 403 unity

I started getting 403 errors when initializing remote config in my application. Everything was working fine until a while ago. I connected google play services

Add Integer Data Type in Multipart Form Content C# MVC

using (var multipartFormContent = new MultipartFormDataContent()) { HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); multipartFormContent.Add(

Where does .NET 6's System.Text.Json source generation store its code?

I have tried to implement Source Generation-based JSON serilization, based on MS Docs: How to use source generation in System.Text.Json. My code is as follows:

Redis cache InvalidOperationException: Reading is not allowed after reader was completed

I have one webjob that is continously inserting data into redis I have another time trigger function to read data from the same redis cache after every 5 minute

How to solve Dependency injection and Inconsistent accessibility parameter type '' in .Net 3 Worker service?

I am setting a .Net core worker services that will get some data from the database and pass that to an endpoints. So I am trying to set it up base on my .net MV

Adding dynamically a DbSet<TEntity> in DbContext class

Is there a way to add DbSet<TEntity> Property in DbContext class at runtime without passing through OnModelCreating ?

How to remove the file path from the Code Runner (VSCode extension) run command for C#?

When using the VSCode extension Code Runner for my C# .NET 6 console app, after hitting the run button, the following command runs in the terminal: ❯ do