Category "c"

stack smashing detected when trying to get to typedef two dinatial array that the adress store inside struct

i have this typedef of two dinantial array, and strust the keep his adress typedef double mat[MAT_SIZE][MAT_SIZE]; typedef struct matList { char *name;

'No such file or directory' whilst the directory already exists. (c)

Whilst trying to compile my C project with GCC, I keep getting an error that goes something like this: main.c:2:10: fatal error: ./include/windows.h: No such fi

Integer promotions in C programming

In the code below which statements have integer promotions? unchar a; unchar b; short c; a = 0xFE; b = 0xFE; c = a+b; int d = a==b I got the question like this

I use function in my code and somehow it doesnt work anymore

So I was practicing some coding about how functions work and I ran into a problem: The code is meant to reverse a number. The algorithm works perfectly well so

Problem with rms and dB values of discrete samples

I'm trying to sample pcm-data via the ALSA-project on my RaspberryPi 4 in c. Recording things works like a charm, but tampering with the samples themselves leav

find elements of an array in another array, why do I have this error?

I was trying to visualize the algorithm of this exercise, but I'm having a lot of problems. the exercise asks to implement this function: extern const void *mem

GTK Widgets changing with CSS

I can change the color of a button with CSS (background und color). But this don't work for dropdown button and textview. Do you have any suggestions? "#Button

I'm new to C and am stuck with many issues, I have fixed them but I wonder if there are better ways

I'm new to C just coming out of my second university class that explained structs and string functions. I tried running the code we had written in the lesson an

Longest increasing subsequence with minimum sum

I know there is a longest increasing subsequence algorithm that runs in O(nlogn) (

Is it right to implement queue with single linked list?

My Code ↓ Some macros defined by #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #define ElementType int #define ERROR 0 // 队列ஷ

Deleting node in list

*x = L->list[i]; /* Save the deleted element to parameter x */ for(j = i+1; j <= L->size-1; j++) L->list[i] = L->list[i+1]; L->size--;

GtkTreeView: Show all columns

How can I show all the columns of my treeview at my application startup. My treeview has multiple columns: gtk_list_store_new (N_COLUMNS, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_


This is a follow-up from the following question Custom Instruction crashing with SIGNAL 4 (Illegal Instruction): RISC-V (32) GNU-Toolchain with QEMU (apologies

How do you check if an arithmetic operation will overflow?

I am coming from looking at Rust and How do I detect unsigned integer multiply overflow? where in Rust they have checked_add, which is implemented like this: pu

macOS llvm can't find stdio.h anymore

I come to you with a weird problem I've been facing. So last week, I installed llvm and libomp for a C project, and it compiled just fine with this at the start

Print greek characters in CLion IDE

OS - Windows 8.1 IDE - CLion 2021.3.2 I need to print some greek characters but what I have is these symbols: ╬╗ , ╬╝ , ¤ü

What does atof stand for?

In C atof=a-to-f(loat) converts a string into a double precision float. I am wondering what the a part of atof stand for.

Organise multiple fixed-length-string dictionaries for "sparse" string-lengths

I need to load some fixed-length-string dictionaries from disk: count of word-lengths ( 1 .. 18 ), word-lengths ( 3 .. 20 ), word-counts ( 1 .. N ) for each wor

Pass linked list to function with struct what I doing wrong?

I want to pass liked list to function and create new list. I need some help to understand what I'm doing wrong. I create new pointer and copy the pointer to "cu

Shared pthread_cond_broadcast stuck in futex_wait

I have one "server" process a and potentially multiple "client" processes b. The server creates a shared memory file (shm_open) containing a pthread_mutex_t and