Category "callback"

javascript module pattern from You don't know JS

I have been reading and testing below code out for several hours now and I just can't seem to grasp certain things. I have been stepping through chrome console

How to return json from callback function within the Lambda?

I'm trying to return the login status from the Cognito callback function, which is written in the NodeJS Lambda. However when I call the API the response keep l

Asynchronous execution of a function App Script

I've been digging around, and I'm not able to find references or documentation on how I can use Asynchronous Functions in Google App Script, I found that people

Difference between after_create, after_save and after_commit in rails callbacks

The difference between after_create, after_save and after_commit in Rails is that: after_save is invoked when an object is created and updated after_commit is

Node.js readline inside of promises

I'm trying to use the node.js package readline to get user input on the command line, and I want to pipe the entered input through promises. However, the input

pyaudio save multiple .WAV file with nonblocking

Updates: Now I found out that we can paste some code in the callback function and ended up more questions: When will be call and stop the callback functions? wh

Return "success" message after form submit

I am trying to return a "Thank you" message after a successful jquery email validation and form submission. I want to show the "Thank you" message and prevent t

How do I execute a function after the callbacks inside a for loop are completed?

I have a for loop in a search function, with a function that does a callback inside the loop, and I want to execute a BUILD() function after the loop, and after

Skipping parameters in callback function

The callback function I'm working with has the following signature (from complete(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) Now

Python Kivy: adding a FigureCanvas widget through a custom event

I am new to Kivy and GUIs in general and I am having a hard time understanding some simple concepts of Kivy callbacks logic. I want to make a simple app to read

How to remove all callbacks from a Handler?

I have a Handler from my sub-Activity that was called by the main Activity. This Handler is used by sub-classes to postDelay some Runnables, and I can't manage

Getting a callback function to trigger after clicking on an alert with JQuery

I have a callback function which redirects the user and I want to have it trigger after clicking "OK" on an alert window. Right now, the code looks like this:

My event handler is executed before the event is fired, why?

I have a pop up window with a button. When I click the button I want something to happen, say an alert. The issue I am having is that the onclick event fires as