Category "case-sensitive"

How can I write a case sensitive WHERE CLAUSE in SQL Server?

Ok, this one has me stumped. I'm hoping it's not something stupid/obvious... I'm trying to fix addresses in a client database. I have a function that takes a

Any difference between str.capitalize() and str.title()?

Is there any difference in str.title() vs str.capitalize()? My understanding from the docs is that both methods capitalize the first letter of a word and make t

Django 3.2+: implementing case-sensitive string comparisons within MySQL tables

Django documentation (3.2 to 4.0) states: In MySQL, a database table’s collation determines whether string comparisons (such as the expression and substr

powershell command line parameter are executed in uppercase?

I would like to use a WGET command line program under Windows in a powershell script. example : wget https://domain-name/file_01.pdf -o wgetlog.txt Step 1 - E

check if file exists (case-sensitive)

Is there a way to check whether a file exists in NodeJS, with case-sensitivity, even when the underlying file system isn't case sensitive? fs.exists() may or m

How do I commit case-sensitive only filename changes in Git?

I have changed a few files name by de-capitalize the first letter, as in Name.jpg to name.jpg. Git does not recognize this changes and I had to delete the file