The reason is for CDN cache entries. Those are specific strings used as cache keys and to invalidate them they need to match. Preferably, I'd like to enforce th
I have web project and mobile projects and there are videos. On the web side the speed of the videos is good, but on the mobile side their speed is slow. All vi
So I'm trying to programmatically delete Wasabi CDN objects from one of my buckets. My request is sending back 204 and showing success but nothing is being move
import {MDCTextField} from '@material/textfield'; const textField = new MDCTextField(document.querySelector('.mdc-text-field')); @import "@material/text
So guys I have created a website and in that I have a card hear is its html code <div class="about-indiamain" data-tilt> Main Content</
I have a CDN in gcloud configured with a storage bucket backend, the bucket is private and I give the ObjectViewer permission to the CDN service account (servic
I want to use this library via CDN. My js code is here. import { LitElement, html } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr
From what I can tell, the steps to move content from GitHub to JsDelivr are the following: Fork from to https::/
I am using pdfmake library in my angular 8 project for client side pdf generation. I have installed the pdfmake library modules and it is working fine. but this