Category "chakra-ui"

Markdown is not being displayed correctly due to CSSReset - Chakra-ui

I'm making a NextJs Blog, and I have to render my markdown in a dynamic page. CSSReset is being used in my app, and as a consequence, markdown is not being disp

Framer Motion different Animations for different properties

I am trying to animate an animation in framer motion using Chakra-ui and Gatsby whereby there is rotation and movement and opacity change. At the moment the ani

NextJS Fast refresh not working as expected

I am building a website with nextjs and Chakra UI. I am using emotion to style my navigation. The code of navigation component is as follows: import Link from "

Chakra-UI Text component noOfLines doesn't display right in Safari

I havea a Chakra-UI Text component in a Next.js TypeScript web app. The noOfLines doesn't display right in Safari, but correct in Chrome. Any suggestions?

How to use ChakraUI extended fonts

Hello I have question can I have 2 different fonts for Heading like you know you define <Heading fontFamily={???}></Heading> and set font family ins

Chakra UI, Tabs onChange method throws Maximum update depth exceeded on state change

I have the following code, React throws Maximum update depth exceeded error, whenever I change the change the index, It is somehow forming an infinite loop, and

Using fonts in chakra UI in Next js

My application is built using NextJs and uses Chakra UI. I have installed Google Fonts by following this chakra Google fonts npm install @fontsource/open-sans @

Chakra-UI for windows

Any decent Chakra-UI tutorials for Windows? From setting up react to a full working demo? Can't seem to find any good medium articles on this. The official site

Chakra UI color mode changes on page refresh, because of system color mode

I'm running NextJS with Chakra UI and the problem is when useSystemColorMode is set to true, it ignores the user's choice on page refresh and sets it back to th