I'm doing GPS navigation for a vehicle. After getting the GNSS (GPS) data, I need to convert (longitude, latitude) to my map frame. How should I choose the orig
I bought a Simcom (Sim7080G) module to use it for geolocation and send data over TCP. These modules are quite new on the market (it was first launched in mid 20
Hello everybody, hope you are all doing well. I am doing in a project in which I receive GPS data (Longitude, and Latitude) from an Android device via an SQL se
Suppose i have: GeoPoint p = new GeoPoint(10.08, 11.09); //(lat, long) and a Polyline (a sequence of Geopoints) ArrayList<GeoPoint> waypoints = new Arra
I'm trying to display the distance to text markers (underneath the markers) in AR.js; according to the docs, distanceMsg is a custom attribute from gps-entity-p
I've worked with this GPS on Arduino and it was pretty easy. But currently, I am trying to connect it to PSOC. And I'm interested if someone knows, do I need to
A simple php array with all coordinates $gps = array( array("lat" => 62.986049, "lng" => 176.075001), array("lat" => 57.125353, "lng" => -1
In IOS there isn't a problem while looking for gps coords. It works fine. On Android side its not stable as IOS. This problem both in real device and emulator.
Trying to update CPE.BIN (Connected Predictive Ephemeris) file on Garmin device without using proprietary Garmin Express / Garmin Connect app. There is document
I am looking for a way to extract the GPS Latitude and Longitude values from a lot of .jpg files. I know that Exiftool can sort of do it, but as the values I'm
I'm working on a certain project that uses RasberryPi debian 7 google chrome to open get some work done, the thing is, the server (I made it with django) asks t
This is my code: import folium from folium import plugins import os import json import natsort def plot_app_gps(): arg_file = open('args.json', 'r+') a
I just started working on a new project, doing research about the state of the art methods computing the position of objects on photos, given the following info
I am working on a project where I obtain raw gps measurements in a supported Android phone and use rtklib's Android port that is rtk-gps to correct this data wi
I have a table that stores longitude / latitude / radius ( miles ) per row. What I am trying to figure out is how to select ONLY the rows that my current point
Hi first time using forum so sorry if I did something wrong. I'm trying to make a simple gps NMEA sentence reader using a raspberry pi pico and a gps module I h
A couple of questions regarding Location which I have not found answers to: Location.getLatitude()/getLongitude() return a double. What units is this double exp
I am looking for a way to be able to mock location without needing to use ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION. I know that I need to have root, move app to the system. But whe
I am working on my tracker system which I will get the live location from GPS Module (hardware) and the data will map it on the google map in android studio. I