Category "charles-proxy"

Unable to view API response in Charles web proxy(4.6.1) when connected to Android app running in Samsung tabA7

I have installed charles proxy Certificate on Android Samsung tabA7. Followed the steps:

Android 11 SSL handshake fails when using Charles Proxy

Unable to use Charles Proxy with Android devices since the update to 11. I've read the Configure CAs for debugging page and verified that the app I'm testing is

Charles Proxy certificate is installed on device but calls are blocked Android

So I am trying to use Charles to test the analytics on this app. I've followed many tutorials but I can't seem to get it to work. I've set up Charles properly,

iOS 13 Burp Suite Proxy Unable to Connect

I am trying to run Burp Suite proxy to do some testing from my phone. I have setup Burp Suite Community Edition 2.1.04 I have set my wifi to use my computer's