I'm trying to run ElectronJS app to Buildroot-based Operating System for a vehicle instrument. The SBC is Raspberry Pi 4B and target packages are included based
I am trying to run Lighthouse via Puppeteer in a public.ecr.aws/lambda/nodejs Docker image using chrome-aws-lambda, and no matter what website I send to Lightho
I'. automating regression tests for a website and one of the tasks is to check the various urls that come in to me. I am using Puppeteer and Chromium for this.
I am launching chromium from the autostart and it will not load anything, not a localhost page or even an external page. The browser window does launch, but it
Can you please tell me if it is possible to catch the Javascript code in Chromium? I mean, for example, I press a button on the page and after pressing the butt
This app instantiates a WebView on app launch without adding it to the UI tree. This is done for preloading purposes. When finally adding the WebView to the UI
I have a complete html-page with inline js, inline-css and base46 encoded images, that I load as a base64 encoded data URI data:text/html;base64, ..... The Chr
We are using Chromium DevTools Recorder, In Chromium 92 we were able to find this item (it was experimental). now in chromium 99 I am not able to find the Recor
When executing my puppeteer code, I'm unable to get past the email page after clicking next because of some sort of bot protection from Google stating "Try usin
My goal is to properly set launch.json file to run some *.html in Chromium. For example: This is my project folder structure: project/ ├─ some_folde
I would like to automate an operation of setting Google as a default search engine in Microsoft Edge (Chromium based) via PowerShell in non-corporate deployment
I'm new to cypress and have ran into an issue. I have my base URL set to the domain I want to test, the issue is when I want to test the ability to login on my
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.add_argument("user-data-dir=C:\\Users\\jack_l\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data") options.add_argument(r'-
Hello! I am not able to format below code as code lol: from selenium import webdriver browser = webdriver.Chrome() When doing this; I am getting: Traceback (mos
I am trying to use the WebDriver for the Edge Chromium version with PostMan, but I cannot make it work. WebDriver Download: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-
I'm looking to port an application, currently on Windows and using WebView2 for the front end, to OSX and Chromium. I know next to nothing about either WebView
I have a Chrome extension, and I am currently writing a website to advertise it. I know that a Chrome extension can be installed in all Chromium-based browsers
I want to run selenium through chromium. I wrote this code: from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options options = Optio
I have followed these steps while installing the gnome extension of chromium in Ubuntu 20.04. Installed the GNOME Shell integration extension on chromium. As p
I have a rather large Vue 3 application (~550 components). It takes two minutes just to run vue-cli-service serve and around 20 seconds to re-build it after eac