Category "spring-cloud-sleuth"

What's are the fields and how do you set them in the Spring Cloud Sleuth log?

My logs look like this 2022-05-05 17:08:11.686 WARN [,6274047bc8c37bf476c8bf6ff3052573,76c8bf6ff3052573] 1 --- [wtConsumer-8819] .a.ProtectedResourceGatewayFil

Spring Interceptor has different traceId for afterCompletion method with Spring sleuth 3.x.x

I am currently working on a Spring boot project. Recently I upgraded the version of my Spring boot from 2.3.3 to 2.6.6. In Spring boot 2.3.3 I was using Spring

Sleuth doesn't show the trace id and the span id

I am trying to run a Spring Boot application and trace its execution with the support of Sleuth. The log shows the service name, but nothing for the trace id or