Category "clean-architecture"

Right place to map to Domain in Android clean architecture

Me and my colleague are having a debate as to where would be the right place to map our entity objects or remote dto objects to plain simple domain objects. Our

POST 439

i have error which kill my application - app is running, but - thus, the data in the grids are not displayed - i think error in console browserLink:2843

How Implement CRQS in DDD

If someone tries to implement the CQRS pattern without repository in DDD, in which layer should it be done? Infrastructure or Application Layer?

integrating clean architecture with ORM

I'm trying to develop a monolithic Django application with Uncle Bob's clean architecture. The problem is I don't want to miss the powerful abilities of Django

Android Clean Architecture UseCase

I am developing a simple application. The user navigates through the elements of the RecyclerView to the end screen. When scrolling LastFragment to the very bot

Convert a string to a class type/model in C#

It seems that the default Jason Taylor's clean architecture .net template doesn't allow custom order or filtering. Indeed, the default GetTodosQuery.cs only all