Category "cmake"

CMake 'undefined reference' error with CERN-ROOT

I'm writing a small addition to CERN ROOT and now can't get rid of 'undefined reference' errors on every function from ROOT that I use (and my classes too). Can

TensorFlow static C API library - how to link with 10 sub-dependencies?

I am trying to link with static C API version of the TensorFlow library. I built the static library using the following commands: // get the sources git clone h

FetchContent vs ExternalProject

I am building a project with Cmake and use FetchContent to manage dependencies. For several reasons I cannot depend on system-wide installed packages, so this p

Finding Protobuf package with CMake

I cannot seem to get CMake to consistently find my protobuf package. I would like to include the protobuf source and build it as part of my project. I'm using p

Show compiler command line of CMake with Visual Studio 2019

I am using open folder functionality of VS2019, and I would like to see flags being used to compile my code. Compilation database does not seem to be generated

How to compile HLSL Shaders during build with Cmake?

I'm working on a d3d application and i would like to compile my .hlsl shaders during to build using cmake. I have no idea where to start. this is my current CMa

How to use Clang-CL LLVM with VS2019 CMAKE?

As of writing clang has this documentation on their user manual for Visual Studio: cmake -G"Visual Studio 2017" -T LLVM .. This doesn't work. I get this mess o

Can't use command make for makefile on Visual Studio Code

Backround I have been coding (mostly C) on Linux so far but i want to be able to code on Windows as well. So i searched for a better editor than notepad and fou

"In-source builds are not allowed" in cmake

I'm new to cmake, and I'm only using it to install opencv on my ubuntu linux. Here's the command I ran: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/

What's the right cmake command to cross-compile for Raspberry Pi from M1 Mac?

My title seems general but I need to compile a project for my Raspberry Pi 3b. I want to use Telegram's Bot API server on it, but it takes a lot of time to comp

Calling existing make command in cmake file

I have a large project with multiple subdirectories. In the parent directory, I have a CMakeLists.txt file which calls functions defined in other cmake files in

How to link shared library on linux using cmake?

How to link shared library on linux platform? I downloaded sfml library using apt cmd and I tried to run simple example: main.cpp #include <SFML/Graphics.hpp

How do I stop project with boost dependency finding the wrong ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} location, when building in Visual Studio 2019 with CMake

I am attempting to build the fruit library -, in Visual Studio 2019 When I ran the install step for the first time it was unable

Why does CMake set -no-fat-lto-objects when I enable LTO/IPO?

I'm enabling IPO (inter-procedural optimization) for a C compilation of mine, using CMake: set_property(TARGET foo PROPERTY INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION TRUE)

Copying assets directory from source to build directory in CMake

I am trying to write a game for practice in C++. I am using CMake for this, and my project gets built in a separate build directory automatically by my IDE. How

grpc can't find protobuf library

I went over the grpc installation and finished building and installation. Now when I try to: find_package(gRPC CONFIG REQUIRED) I get CMake Error at CMakeLi

Qt6 build error from source. Multi-config build is only supported by Xcode, Ninja Multi-Config and Visual Studio generators

I'm trying to build Qt6.3.0 from sources. I'm new in qt and trying to build static version. I'm use this tree: C:/Qt/6.3.0/Src C:/Qt/6.3.0/static In C:/Qt/6.3.0

CMake can not find Boost Python

I'm trying to build 3d party application using CMake 3.17.5. I have boost installed by vcpkg (on Windows). I checked I have boost-python installed by vcpkg. I g

cmake on Android (NDK): meaning of -D?

I use NDK and cmake for my Android app. Typical cmake commande is like this: cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$ANDROID_NDK/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DAND

What is the "VERSION" in "cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)”

I know the meaning of below CMake statement: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) I am just wondering what the VERSION part is syntactically? Is it a unquoted