Category "react-testing-library"

Test correct SVG component renders with jest and react-testing-library

I have an svg inside a React component that renders conditionally. <div className='avatar'> {gender === true ? <MaleAvatar /> : <FemaleAvat

window.dispatchEvent from test code does not trigger window.addEventListener

I have below listener added for which I am trying to write test using Jest. However, it seems as though the event I'm dispatching doesn't reach my code. window.

React Testing Library Not Parsing JSON

I have a TextArea component that takes JSON {"someKey": "someValue"}. When I inspect the dom, {"someKey": "someValue"} shows up just fine in the inspector. Howe

How to resolve act() in useEffect?

I have a small problem with act() error in react-testing-library. In useEffect I try to call an function that is a promise. Promise returns some data and displa

Tooltip MUI and React testing library

I'm trying to test an Info HOC on my react app : const InfoHOC = (HocComponent) => ({ message }) => ( <> <Tooltip title={message}>

How can I test the content in ag-grid using testing-library?

I am trying to write a few simple tests that the headers and data I want to render are showing up as expected. I created a repo -

Testing hover state hooks

I created this useHover hook: import { useRef, useState, useEffect } from 'react'; export const useHover = () => { const [value, setValue] = useState(fals

How to set intellisense for react testing library using typescript

I just downloaded Create-React-App which uses react testing library. I do not get intellisense when I use it's methods (Example : toBeInTheDocument) . How to se

How to get React Testing Library's userEvent to type into an input

I can successfully implement a test with React Testing Library's fireEvent method, but when I try equivalent tests with userEvent I can't get it to trigger anyt

(Apollo client v3) useLazyQuery custom hook testing

I was struggling with a test issue for my custom useLazyQuery hook. My first test is passing but the second one is failing. What am doing wrong for the second t

How to mock axios.create([config]) function to return its instance methods instead of overriding them with mock?

I'm trying to mock axios.create() because I'm using its instance across the app and obviously need all of its implementation which is destroyed by the mock, thu

React router - useOutletContext testing

I'm using react-router V6 and trying to test the new feature of useOutletContext. my testing library is testing-library/react and I'm not sure how to pass the C

Apollo reactive variables - how to mock value of the variables into a component during testing

I need some help. I'm a newbie in apollo client reactive variables. There is a component where the displaying of the message depends on a variable that values f

how to test button that call submit form using jest and react testing library

so I am trying to test that the onSubmit function is getting triggered if the button is clicked - the way im doing this is through testing the internals of the

Testing onClose callback which is triggered by clicking outside component

The popup has a click away listener which closes it when a click event occurs outside the component. I need to test that the popup has closed. it.only('clicking

How to test react component based on file reader emitted events

I have a react component called FileReader based off Dropzone react component ( This file reader calls a callb

How to test CSS properties defined inside a class with react testing library

I am trying to test CSS properties that i have defined inside a class in css, wing the react testing library. However I am unable to do so. Adding the simplifie

userEvent in React Testing Library Doesn't Cause onClick To Be Called

I'm trying to run a really simple test with react-testing-library where a button is given a mock function, the button is clicked, and the test checks that the f

toHaveStyles not working with module.css styles using React testing library with Jest

I have this component for which I am writing test case using react testing library I am facing an issue with styles when the styles is imported from .module.cs

How to test if React component is returning null or its children using React Testing Library?

I have a React component that returns its children to be rendered by React if the prop isTrue is truth-y. If its prop isTrue is false-y, then the component retu