Category "cmake"

Switching between GCC and Clang/LLVM using CMake

I have a number of projects built using CMake and I'd like to be able to easily switch between using GCC or Clang/LLVM to compile them. I believe (please correc

Creating conan test_package recipe

I'm currently playing around with conan. So I've created two small project: The first project is a small library "fcdk":

How to correctly set rpath to shared library with CMake?

How can I link OpenNI ( at run time to my C++ program? This question/answer is most relevant to my question. I followed it and prepared the follow

Unable to link libclang with cmake on VS2017

A while ago I wrote a code generation program to use in my 3D game engine. I added a target to my cmake files, linked libclang with it as I'm using that for par

How to get colorized output with cmake?

I want to have message function in CMakeLists.txt which output colorized text. Maybe an escape sequence. For example: message("\x1b[31m;This text must be in r

How do I change order of Libs in a cmake file?

Link order matters. I have observed that when I compile my program with: gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` program.cpp -o program which produces a nu

CMake and finding other projects and their dependencies

Imagine the following scenario: Project A is a shared library which has several dependencies (LibA, LibB, and LibC). Project B is an executable that has a depen

CMake and finding other projects and their dependencies

Imagine the following scenario: Project A is a shared library which has several dependencies (LibA, LibB, and LibC). Project B is an executable that has a depen

CMake and finding other projects and their dependencies

Imagine the following scenario: Project A is a shared library which has several dependencies (LibA, LibB, and LibC). Project B is an executable that has a depen