Category "codemirror"

add multi text to tooltip based on condition (for loop) - Javascript

In the following project, I have the array_num[] which holds the line number of the textarea ( the line number of errors that I want to detect) because I'm buil

How to set Gutter marker for all lines in react-codemirror2?

I'm using react-codemirror2 to implement a code editor. I want to set the gutter marker for all the lines. We can use setGutterMarker method to set gutterMaker

How to get or call Javascript var in HTML object tag or HTML embed tag from parent html page?

I have embedded a codmirror html file by 3 different way such as iframe tag, embed tag and object tag inside another html file on the same server. <!-- The C

codemirror.setOption('mode',val) isnt working

I am trying to make a text editor with firepad and codemirror, everything works perfectly on page loading, but when I try to change the mode on button click, th

add custom lint error marker for codemirror

I receive the errors in my code from an external API. It gives me the 1)line number 2) error description I could achieve the highlighting process but I need to