Category "coding-style"

Scala Test: how to assert lenghty exception message securly and clean without hardcoding?

I have the following code, which is used to (sha) hash columns in a spark dataframe: import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import org.apache.spark.sql.functions

Clean way to write this if

Hi I'm writing python function and when I try to test it with pylint it shows: R0912: Too many branches (20/12) (too-many-branches). How should I write this cod

How to find phpcs current default standard

I want to know my current PHPCS standard in Visual Studio e.g: { "phpcs.standard": "PSR2" } how to set it is given in the documentation phpcs --c

Java coding style to be more concise

How can I compact these code in Java without creating other objects? myObjectNumberOne.setTitle("title"); myObjectNumberOne.setBody("body"); myObjectNumberOne.s

Iterate through a C++ Vector using a 'for' loop

I am new to the C++ language. I have been starting to use vectors, and have noticed that in all of the code I see to iterate though a vector via indices, the fi

Line continuation for list comprehensions or generator expressions in python

How are you supposed to break up a very long list comprehension? [something_that_is_pretty_long for something_that_is_pretty_long in somethings_that_are_pretty

How do you PEP 8-name a class whose name is an acronym?

I try to adhere to the style guide for Python code (also known as PEP 8). Accordingly, the preferred way to name a class is using CamelCase: Almost without