Category "collation"

Case insensitive collation still uses case sensitive comparison

According to the postgress documentation a collation can be created to ignore cases during comparison operations. CREATE COLLATION IF NOT EXISTS case_insensitiv

MySQL: Why is that when creating a schema with collation utf8mb4_unicode_ci it becomes utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci

When I create a schema with collition utf8mb4_unicode_ci it becomes collition utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci (using Workbench). Even when the default settings of the server

Incorrect string value error for unconventional characters

So I'm using a wrapper to fetch user data from instagram. I want to select the display names for users, and store them in a MYSQL database. I'm having issues in

Case sensitive search in Django, but ignored in Mysql

I have a field in a Django Model for storing a unique (hash) value. Turns out that the database (MySQL/inno) doesn't do a case sensitive search on this type (VA

Django 3.2+: implementing case-sensitive string comparisons within MySQL tables

Django documentation (3.2 to 4.0) states: In MySQL, a database table’s collation determines whether string comparisons (such as the expression and substr

SELECT FROM OPENROWSET( BULK...) changing special characters

I've been facing an issue for a few hours, and I can't seem to get my head around this one. So I have a SQL Server database 2008R2, Collation SQL_Latin1_Genera