Category "colors"

Chrome dev tools around viewport color

I use dark theme for chrome dev tool and it's working well, but the area around viewport bacame white, not dark dark grey as before. Is there the way to change

How to specify colour for dark and light theme in general in VSCode user settings

I'd like to customize VSCode colour settings in general for dark or light theme variants, for example: "workbench.colorCustomizations": { "light": {

Output of awk in color

I am trying to set up polybar on my newly-installed Arch system. I know very little bash scripting. I am just getting started. If this is not an appropriate que

GraphPlots - Is there a way to have different colors for edges?

Given GraphPlots doc, we have the following available attributes: function gplot{V, T<:Real}( G::AbstractGraph{V}, locs_x::Vector{T}, locs_y::Vector{

Colour codes in python are not formatting correctly

In Python 3.8.3 whenever I try to implement colored text in python like \033[1;93m it keeps on saying [32m. Can I have some help, because it doesn't usually hap

How to detect the exact color of the images using hsv color model and opencv

I have datasets of images of gemstones.I have categorised the gemstones into folders based on their colours.(That is Red, Blue, Pink,Purple,Yellow). What I want

Change Values & Color Based on Day

I have this timesheet and based on a day in the row (F8:AJ8) I want its whole column to highlight with yellow (Color index = 44) if it = "Fri" and change their

How to convert RGBA color codes to 8 Digit Hex in PHP?

I'm attempting to convert some rgba values into a format suitable for SubStation Alpha subtitle files. The .ass file format requires a colour format like &H

Excel conditional formatting with gradient colors on Mac

I was trying to achieve this on Excel, which markers all cells containing "A" a red/green background with a gradient pattern. I achieved this in the past but no

Any way to use external list of color hex codes to change layer fill in Photoshop?

I have a list of 100 different color hex codes. I want to create 100 different PNG files, that each use a different color from this list. Apparently I cannot us

Dart (flutter) VScode debug console syntax / expression coloring / highlighting

Does anyone know how to color or highlight syntax or expressions in the debug console in dart (flutter) for VScode efficiently? Most of the code comes out blue,

Change VS Code debug console font color?

For whatever reason, the font color of my debug console is a blue which makes it really difficult to read. I'm not sure if this is due to vs code settings or ma

SwiftUI custom accentColor not working on physical device(iOS 13) but works everywhere else(iOS 14.0+)

In my SwiftUI View I've an Image that I've loaded from assets. I've set the foregroundColor to accentColor, which I've also set in asset as my custom AccentColo

Python, Spherical Plot- Color Scaling

I'm pretty new with python. For the past two days I have been trying to figure out how to scale the color of a 3d plot (Antenna Radiation Pattern) with matplotl

Setting fix for terminal color in VSCode

I just started to download vscode minutes ago. However, I am having a problem with my terminal in vscode where it is just plain white, including the path text.

Setting fix for terminal color in VSCode

I just started to download vscode minutes ago. However, I am having a problem with my terminal in vscode where it is just plain white, including the path text.

Rainbow text animation using only CSS

I got inspired by this Rainbow Text Animation rainbow-text-animation, and I would like to use only CSS to make this happen instead of all that complicated SCSS

How to change color of just the bottom side of the border of raised button in flutter?

How to change color of just one side of the border of a raised button in flutter?

SwiftUI - Pulsating Animation & Change Colour

I'm trying to change the colour of my animation based on the state of something. The colour change works but it animates the previous (orange) colour with it. I

How does one shift hue in CIE-XYZ color space?

I need to implement my own hue rotation function within the CIE color space. I can't find any technical descriptions of how this is done. I found high level des