Category "memory"

Modify data in memory with python

suppose I have a variable with a numeric value of 20. we used the id() function to get its memory address. How can the numeric value of 20 be changed to, for ex

Location of methods in memory [duplicate]

I am new in Go world, the question could be obvious. Let's say I have a struct Example, which has some methods: type Example struct {} func (

Is the bus size fixed when reading data from memory(dram)?

I've learned why padding is there when we create variables smaller than a word size. The answer for that is for the performance, because memory space is word-al

What is a glibc free/malloc/realloc invalid next size/invalid pointer error and how to fix it?

You are most likely seeing this question because your question has been closed as a duplicate of this. For a moderately complete list of related questions, ple

Visual studio 2022 highly used memory

I working with Visual Studio2022 and blazor .net 6 when i worked after 1 hour visual studio highly used memory and crashed on my pc (windows server 2019).

C, Do structs with multiple dynamically allocated arrays need to be resized for every allocation?

Below I have a struct with multiple dynamically allocated char arrays. It compiles, Valgrind indicates no issues and it functions as anticipated. Earlier, someo

How to reserve memory space for std::vector in terms of bytes?

I am trying to write up a config parser class in c++. I'll first give a snippet of my class: class foo{ private: struct st{ std::vector<pair<s

Debug -> Windows -> Memory for a Unity project?

I need to inspect memory content for a Unity project while debugging it. No matter what I try, such as Use managed compatibility mode, the Memory window despera

how to fix the thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access

Last month i was experiencing some issues with games after i installed new RAM. i went from (2x4GB) 3000MhZ to (2x8GB) 3200MhZ and since then i kept getting cra

`make_unique_for_overwrite` still initializes `std::pair` elements

I was hoping that auto myPairs = make_unique_for_overwrite<pair<uint64_t, void*>[]>(arraySize); would give me uninitialized memory for my pairs. I

Memory Leaks in NODEJS With Chrome-DevTools - Get variables that are causing memory leaks and App to crush?

We're experiencing crushes with our NODEJS app , for some reason we have somewhere in the code some variables that are not getting released , and they should be

How to detect if a block of memory already freed

I already know that there is no way to know if a pointer target still a valid allocation of it's already freed, so I'm trying to use pointer to pointer to solve

Initialization of multiple empty lists in Python

What is the correct way to initialize a bunch of variables to independent empty lists in Python 3? >>> (a, b) = ([],)*2 >>> a.append([2,3]) &g

Is there a kernel mode API that allows safe access to ntoskrnl.exe address space

I'm just playing around for fun only(on Windows 8.1) with kernel mode address space trying to see if I can access the address space belonging to ntoskrnl.exe fr

System.AccessViolationException inside windows docker container

I am running a 3d-modeling software inside a windows docker container. In the process of a simple run, i get an exception: Unhandled exception. (thread: (Id=2,

When I call the C system() function, is the location of the new program's main() stack frame similar to the original program's main() stack frame?

I'm wondering if when I call the C system() function, the location of the new program's main() stack frame is similar to the original program's main() stack fra

PyCharm has failed to load the environment from '/bin/zsh'

I wrote a program about a month ago, and it worked fine. I haven't touched it since than, until today. All of a sudden, I get the warning when opening Pycharm:

What is the best way to minimize the response from a cCALL statement in RPG?

We have a program which will be used by many other rpg programs. All process programs need to call this program to get a next counter number. As the program n

How to write semantics in K framework for a language similar to ada-spark

I am working with K framework and trying to write semantics for a language similar to ada-spark and in that, I want to write semantics that involves allocation

How much value do the 8 bit variable holds?

Probably answer is 256 but I am not satisfied with it. Suppose a variable has 8 bits , its mean its 8th bit can hold the value 256 . But it also has other seve