Category "command"

How to fix NPM EJSONParse with this package.json file?

when I try the command npm install I have this C:\Users\khaou>npm install npm ERR! code EJSONPARSE npm ERR! path C:\Users\khaou/package.json npm ERR! JSO

Docker command not found when running on Mac

I'm trying to run the below code as instructed in the docker-graphite-statsd: docker run -d\ --name graphite\ --restart=always\ -p 80:80\ -p 2003-2004:2003-

BASH: Filter list of files by return value of another command

I have series of directories with (mostly) video files in them, say test1 1.mpg 2.avi 3.mpeg test2 123.avi 432.avi test3 asdf.m

How to add aliases to an input dictionary?

Recently I started a project. My goal was it to have a script, which, once launched, could be able to control actions on the hosts computer if an instruction wa

How create a react app with a specific version using the npx command?

I want to create a React app using the command npx create-react-app my-app But I want to make sure I can choose the React version. I want a version that can't

Tree command not found

I tried using tree command to see the directory structure but it dint work on my mac terminal, it says : command not found. I tried to install the package for c

Angular CLI command issue: "Unknown option: '--spec'"

I am running this command: C:\Users\Murali\my-first-app>ng g c abcde5 --dry-run -t -s --spec=false I am receiving the following error: Unknown option: '--

A discord bot activating another bot via /commands or detect user who used a bot command

Ok, so Im trying to do the following rn: Im using the Disboard bot and beforehand rewarded users for bumping. That wasnt a problem, because the command was "!d

VBA Run two Commands at once together Beep Command

I have made a program that generates frequencies using the Beep statement. For example: Beep(Val(FreqTestTxt.Text), Val(DurLbl.Text) * 1000) What I need to do t

select subdomains using print command

cat a.txt rev a.txt | awk -F. '{print $2,$3}' | rev This is showing: e google x google But I want this output a.b.c.d.e

Script @php artisan package:discover handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 255

I moved my project from desk to another. When I run php artisan it does not work. I tried to run composer update, but it returns the error Script @php a

hdfs: command not found

I am using Centos7 and Hadoop 3.2.1. I have created a new user in Linux. I copied the .bash_profile file from the master user to my new user. But when I try run Embed

I'm making a discord bot and I made a embed but it's not working I tried to make a new bot with few commands like ping and test but the bot is not replying asyn

"zsh: command not found: $" // can't install anything on terminal

zsh: command not found: $ Every time I try to install anything or run anything on my terminal I get this message. I am using a MacBook air m1, macOS Monterey. D

How to generate .pdb file in Visual Studio 2019 for C++ from command line

I am using cl.exe C++ compiler in Visual Studio 2019 from the command line. But, I am unable to set the required flag to produce a .pdb file to debug in a separ

what does shutdown -p command do?

In Linux, what does shutdown -p command do, will it directly power off the system without Halting? if it halts the system first then power off, then can we dire

PDF digital signature not working in Ghostscript while compression

gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -dDownsampleColorImages=true -dPrinted=true -dColorImageResolution=100 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -s

Is there a PowerShell command to tell PS not to wait for a service to start before continuing?

Powershell is waiting for a service to start or stop before it moves on to the next line in the script, but I need it to move on without waiting. The idea beh

ROBLOX Kill command to kill specified player

I want to make a command that would kill a player you specify.. Let's say I type: kill/Paul. Now I want to kill the player with the name Paul. This is my comman

Log errors after running robocopy command

I am running a robocopy command to copy files from one folder to another like below - "Robocopy source destination filename" Some files are not getting copied a