Category "command-line-arguments"

Looking to create a script to decrypt password protected PDF files

I have multiple directories of password protected PDF files and I'm looking to decrypt all of these files and save the resulting decrypted file as a new file in

pandas read_csv throwing ValueError: Invalid file path or buffer object type: <class 'list'>

I want to read a csv file sent as a command line argument. Thought I could directly use FileType object of argsprase but I'm getting errors. from argparse impor

Detecting negative numbers without interfering with invalid options (starting with -)

I have a bash function that validates numeric values (positive and negative, including integers, floats and in scientific notation). Using a argument parsing lo

Create Artisan command with option that must specify a value

Laravel's documentation says (emphasis mine): If the user must specify a value for an option, you should suffix the option name with a = sign… But then

How to implement --version using python click?

I want to implement mycommand --version using python click. I have something like this working but it feels kinda clunky.

Passing an optimization flag to a Go compiler?

To compile a Go program you type go build myprogram.go, can you pass an optimization flags along or the code is always compiled in the same way? I am talking ab

VBScript how to join WScript.Arguments?

I am trying to join the arguments to a string to be passed to another script. The following: WScript.Echo(Join(WScript.Arguments)) gives me an error: Error:

Node.js Command Line Console Log Level

How do you set the log level for node when starting it from the command line? I admit, i'm a node.js newbie, but looking for something like node myapp.js --logl

How can I require my python script's argument to be a float in a range using argparse?

I'd like to use argparse on Python 2.7 to require that one of my script's parameters be between the range of 0.0 and 1.0. Does argparse.add_argument() support

Bash command line and input limit

Is there some sort of character limit imposed in bash (or other shells) for how long an input can be? If so, what is that character limit? I.e. Is it possible

How do I pass command line arguments to a Node.js program?

I have a web server written in Node.js and I would like to launch with a specific folder. I'm not sure how to access arguments in JavaScript. I'm running node l