Category "command-line"

Unable to install Android build-tools with sdkmanager

I'm trying to build android applications with the command line tools in Windows 10. I was able to install the platform tools and the platform with the sdkmanage

Jmeter : How to overwrite existing result file (csv) and html report when generate report by cmd [duplicate]

C:\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\bin>Jmeter -n -t "C:\jm\ReservationManual.jmx" -l "C:\jm\Result\result1.csv" -e -o "C:\jm\Report" I used above com

How to open Website as App in Microsoft Edge from CLI?

In Chrome you can use start chrome --new-window --app= To have it open in a reduced window (PWA-Style). Chrome as app How is this possib

Windows explorer.exe /select <filepath> doesn't work with new folders

I copy or rename a folder containing some files. Then, in a command line window I type: explorer /select,"<full-path-to-a-file-in-new-folder>" The result

Docker command not found when running on Mac

I'm trying to run the below code as instructed in the docker-graphite-statsd: docker run -d\ --name graphite\ --restart=always\ -p 80:80\ -p 2003-2004:2003-

Run command in tmux and update the status bar

I wrote a simple shell script that will show IP every 15 sec (it checks for VPN basically )... I wanted to add that in my status bar and I did it with #() but i

Firestore-algolia-search command not found

So I had a question I'm working on a Algolia extension for Firebase but when I try Step 3(see image 2 below) to excute the commands I get a "bash: firestore-al

How to exit telnet session via command line using azure devops

I am trying to test connectivity from source to a FTP server on port 22 using azure devops commandline tool in pipelines Command for testing: telnet TestSFTP02

SSL error only in python command window with apify request

I am trying to use endpoint from When I run my request in web browser with token everything is fine but if I run my request via requests library from

Pyinstaller Is Not Recognized

I know this question has been asked before and I have researched and used the following steps to no avail, each one of them: Pyinstaller is not recognized as in

Jupyter Lab not opening on Ubuntu

Im using Ubuntu as my OS. I have been able to download and open anaconda-navigator through command line. but I can't open up Jupyter lab or jupyter notebook. it

How do you enter command line arguments in SPIM

I am trying to make programs using argc and argv in MIPS simulator SPIM. This is my code: .data nl: .asciiz "\n" .globl main .text main: # print argv[0] lw

How To Check If Node EsModule Was Imported Or Ran Directly

Node.js 13 recently rolled out an experimental ESModule loader, starting to take the switch away from CommonJS. However, code ran in an ESModule in Node.js isn'

How to fix command injection issue on Checkmarx for parse_args

I have python code that parses input parameters: parser=OptionParser() parser.add_option("-o", dest="out", default=os.getenv('Path',None), help="file path") par

How to pass command line arguments into gauge tests?

I want pass a command line argument is_triggered=true as part of running Jenkins gauge tests run. How can I pass the argument when I am doing gauge run specs --

How to use an environment variable in PowerShell console?

I have an environment variable named GOPATH. In old style command shell I could run the command %GOPATH%\bin\hello like this: Is there an equivalently simple c

Missing destination file operand?

I am simply trying to move a directory with subdirectories to another directory using CMDER. λ mv "c:\Program Files\ANOTHERTESTDIR\" c:\proj mv: missing

Check if file is locked inside a batch file for loop

I have a script that runs through some files and copies them to another location. But the script needs to wait until the file is no longer being written to. I t

How to delete Node_modules folder in command line on Windows?

So, I should delete all node_modules in my project(I want that the node_modules folder become completely empty). Just removing folder manually does not suit me.

Stop all docker containers at once on Windows

How can I stop all docker containers running on Windows? docker stop is for 1 container only. Any command/script to make it stop all containers?