Category "command-line"

Running .dtsx file via command line programmatically from a winform c#

I am new to programming. I was hoping for some help to correct the below code. I have a WinForms application using an Azure SQL database. overall I am trying to

Binary file edit in Win CMD

How to split or edit binary file in Win CMD? I'm on Win 10 x64, and there's no DEBUG utility eg. to replace all 0a with 0d0a or change a byte value at some byt

How do I set a variable to the output of a command in Bash?

I have a pretty simple script that is something like the following: #!/bin/bash VAR1="$1" MOREF='sudo run command against $VAR1 | grep name | cut -c7-' echo

Passing values to command line from a function-C language

I am trying to find out how to pass output value of a function into command line in a C file. The name of the variable is "Cext", "Cabs". The default behavior o

How can i exit the python shell to the terminal in Pycharm?

For example, I wrote the code; SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> python command File "<console>", line 1 python command* t

'eslint' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I'm trying to install eslint & run it in vs code. I ran this command: npm i -g eslint and it seemed to work, but I keep getting an error when I try to run

How to install JQ on Mac on the command line?

I need to know the most efficient way of installing JQ on Mac (El Capitan). The code is downloaded to my Mac but I would like to know how I can install and oper

How to pass environment variables to the gradle wrapper build using only command line?

I am trying to pass env variables locally with strictly a command line command. At deploy, these variables get passed into the docker container, but when runnin

Command to download latest version of nvm?

I am trying to install the latest version of nvm so (per this article) I ran: nvm install 4.0 It worked. But I want to make sure I install the latest version

how do i create an azure function app using dotnet-isolation?

I am trying to create an azure function app using .net5 isolation, however the azure portal doesn't have an option for .net 5 only .net3.1 and .net6(preview), a

tf.exe "you are not authorized to access", is not accepting my login parameter

I'm trying to solve this problem since a long time, every execution I perform on TF.exe command, is throwing TF30063 exception, when i'm the admin and the only

Emulator command not recognized in command line

I am trying to use enulator command and list all of my emulator nevertheless i get infromation that command is not found. My avds are installed in visual studio

How to pass parameters to SoapUI in command line?

SoapUI could be started from command line with some set of parameters: testrunner.bat -FPDF -R"JUnit-Style HTML Report" -c"my test case" c:\my projects\my-proj

Linux - multiple command execution using semicolon

I have a scenario where I need to execute date command and ls -lrth|wc -l command at the same time. I read somewhere on google that I can do it in the way shown

Gradle .lock files not removed when stopping build manually

When running gradle build from command line and manually terminating with Ctrl+Z, the .lock files, generated by gradle aren't removed. During the next build, I

Display window on OSX using Swift without XCode or NIB

Disclaimer: I'm attempting the following exercise because I think it will be instructive. I'm interested in how it might be done. So please don't be too hasty t

Display window on OSX using Swift without XCode or NIB

Disclaimer: I'm attempting the following exercise because I think it will be instructive. I'm interested in how it might be done. So please don't be too hasty t

How to install a custom certificate in Symfony server?

With server:ca:install on the Symfony console an SSL certificate can be generated and installed. Is it possible / How to install an existing one, created separa

Opening ruby app from Rubymine terminal

I just got Rubymine and getting used to ruby on rails on mac , Im wondering if there is any command to open a ruby app on Rubymine 7 , from terminal would th

Pygame/Python/Terminal/Mac related

I'm a beginner, I have really hit a brick wall, and would greatly appreciate any advice someone more advanced can offer. I have been having a number of extreme