Category "compilation"

Recompile the java files which is decompiled by JD-GUI from a jar

I have a MyFile.jar file. I use JD-GUI to decompile it and used its "Save All Sources" options to save the files to a .zip file. Now extracted the .zip file and

Forth, interpreted or compiled?

Supposedly Forth programs can be "compiled" but I don't see how that is true if they have words that are only evaluated at runtime. For example, there is the wo

How to solve error message "gcc‬: command not found" (only with arguments) on Ubuntu

I am working with Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo), and I have GCC installed. When I run gcc I am getting an error showing that I do have gcc: gcc: fatal error

I have an error when compiling android Q kernel

I have this error:CROSS_COMPILE_ARM32 not defined or empty, the compat vDSO will not be built when i trying to compile android kernel. My phone is aarch64, and

How to remove unwanted @charset "UTF-8" from CSS (shows up after compiling SASS files)

A quick summary of our problem: We've got a @charset declaration prepended to our compiled CSS files Our SCSS files do not have this declaration so it gets adde

How to use Flambda with dune in ocaml?

I'm doing a project in which I need to optimize my code as much as I can because it takes hours to run with a normal compilation. I was told to use Flambda, but

I failed to compile C++ code on Visual Studio Code

I'm using "glut" library and trying to compile code by gcc compiler, but it gives undesireble result. When I try to build command (Ctrl+Shift+B) on Visual Studi

How to cache the compiled regex in Go

Below is my golang code. Each time validate method is called my compile method gets executed. I want to compile only once, not each time we call validate. 1)