I am playing around with concurrent.futures. Currently my future calls time.sleep(secs). It seems that Future.cancel() does less than I thought. If the futur
According to The Good Word, InnoDB uses automatic row-level locking. You can get deadlocks even in the case of transactions that just insert or delete a sin
I'm trying to extend my class with async/await capabilities, but at run-time there is an error in the console: SWIFT TASK CONTINUATION MISUSE: query(_:) leaked
I have following test plan to test concurrent user load test of a website - Configuration set as - Target Concurrency = 10 Ramp up Time = 1 Ramp up step co
I am trying to use Kotlin coroutines to perform multiple HTTP calls concurrently, rather than one at a time, but I would like to avoid making all of the calls c
I'd like to have one BlockingMap data structure which is very similar to BlockingQueue. The take method of BlockingQueue will wait there until element is availa
I am having problems with kafka consumers of applications with different versions of Spring-kafka, specifically between 2.3.13.RELEASE and 2.8.3. When deploying
I am having problems with kafka consumers of applications with different versions of Spring-kafka, specifically between 2.3.13.RELEASE and 2.8.3. When deploying
Let's assume we have a bunch of links to download and each of the link may take a different amount of time to download. And I'm allowed to download using utmost
I have transaction with several queries. First, a select rows with FOR UPDATE lock: SELECT f.source_id FROM files AS f WHERE f.component_id = $1 AND f.a
I am learning python multiprocessing, and I am trying to use this feature to populate a list with all the files present in an os. However, the code that I wrote
I want to be able to increment a counter atomically and I can't find any reference on how to do it. Adding more information based on comments: Are you using GCD
Combined use @mainActor and propertyWrapper is not safe? The code will execute directly in the background thread. It is a bug? Here is the demo: struct DetailVi
Let's say we have the following goals: We want to use actors. We want to use dependency injection and resolve actors through DI. We want to hide our actors behi