I have a very simple Pure Python package on PyPI that I'd like to make available on binstar. My package targets Python 2.6+ and 3.2+ with a single codebase. I
I'm too new with tensorflow and keras, actually I'm trying first to install it correctly. I used Anaconda to make it easier. My question is probabily related to
When creating conda virtual environment with YAML file for the first time, I unknowingly ran: conda env update -f environment.yml call activate process_name
I'm trying to install the dlib package in Anaconda by running the following: conda install -c menpo dlib I'm getting the following error: UnsatisfiableError
I would like to run a test script on an existing compute instance of Azure using the Azure Machine Learning extension to the Azure CLI: az ml run submit-script
I recently discovered Conda after I was having trouble installing SciPy, specifically on a Heroku app that I am developing. With Conda you create environments,
I read this Stack Overflow post on a similar issue, but the suggestions there don't seem to be working. I installed Visual Studio Code on my Windows machine and
I am trying to implement the Keras libraries for Convolutional Neural Networks on my Spyder IDE using Anaconda as such: from keras.models import Sequential
I don't quite know what to do. I use VSCode and Jupyter Notebook and conda env. I just downloaded Atom and it keeps saying no kernal for grammar python. I have
I tried to use the command conda activate It threw me an error: CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'. If u
My company uses Nexus repository as npm proxy for package management. Does anyone have experience using Nexus to hold Conda packages (Python) and for proxy? In
Reference: https://uoa-eresearch.github.io/eresearch-cookbook/recipe/2014/11/20/conda/ I've run the following commands to install conda and create a virtual e
I am trying to create a new environment with Python 3.7 using Conda like: conda create -n qnn python=3.7 I got following errors: Collecting package metadata (