I'm getting this warning while I'm running my React Native App. Can anyone pls help me out? I couldn't find any issue in the code. But I'm still getting this wa
I am using react-native-webview v.11 and it works all great unless you try to attach a file using the webview and the Android just crash. I have been looking ev
I am trying to use google charts in my react native app. Below is my code: import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react'; import {StyleSheet, View} from 'rea
TLDR After upgrading my ReactNative application to version 0.64.2, app crash on launch. I'm aware that I need to upgrade/specify hermes-engine to 0.7.2. Questio
So I'm building an app apk file with expo, and I'm pointing to my splashscreen images on app.json. { "expo": { "name": "D&D Monster Reference",
I am trying to optimize my component which will load a set of Cards based on the data it gets from each element of the array, and I want to implement a Tinder-l
react-native run-android command terminates by leaving a message in android simulator. The message is as follows: Unable to load script.Make sure you are eithe
Hey folks I'm using react native raw bottom sheet in react native project.I'm showing a bottom sheet when the user click on an icon.It's working fine on both an
I am creating app using React-Native and testing it on Android device. After adding react-native-camera module, the following error occurs: org.gradle.api.task
I am making a POST request to server to upload an image and sending formdata using axios in react-native. i am getting "Network Error". i also try fetch but n
I have a simple doubt that I can hope somebody can help me with. I have a simple app that hava a main screen where loads all data that I get from a SQLite datab
node_modules@expo\vector-icons\build\vendor\react-native-vector-icons\lib\create-icon-set.js: # could not be cloned. Error: # could not be cloned. at Object.ser
I am new to React native and working on a project on that, I am using react-native material-dropdown for using drop down component .i want to change the label
Trying to build a react native project, and cannot compile appcompat Could not find method compile() for arguments [com.android.support:appcompat-v7:25.0.0]
When upgrading to RN 0.59.4 and after a successful build - one can encounter the following error in metro bundler: react native Cannot find module 'metro/src/r
I want to use WebView inside ScrollView for my react native app. But if I do so, I am not able to scroll my webview, unless I disable the scroll on scrollview.
I was trying to create a release apk file from Android but when I create a release apk with PNG image I'm getting Duplicate Resource error. Initially I thought
In IOS there isn't a problem while looking for gps coords. It works fine. On Android side its not stable as IOS. This problem both in real device and emulator.
I’m taking my first step in react native land and trying to understand the layouting in regards to the soft keyboard. I’ve created a new react proj
I'm trying to change the color of the title and the icons of the status-bar to be black. so, according to the react-native status-bar documentation, I set the b