I would like to install selenium v4.1.0 on Anaconda python on Windows. https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/selenium If you run conda install selenium, conda will i
Is there a way of viewing past conda transactions? For instance, a history of all conda install actions I did in the current environment would be great. Thank
I successfully installed pytorch via conda: conda install pytorch-cpu torchvision-cpu -c pytorch I also successfully installed pytorch via pip: pip3 install ht
I successfully installed pytorch via conda: conda install pytorch-cpu torchvision-cpu -c pytorch I also successfully installed pytorch via pip: pip3 install ht
I installed miniconda on Windows 10 and created an environment (I followed this guide: https://www.notion.so/shashankkalanithi/Setting-Up-Conda-Environment-ba83
Till Apr26th, 2022, CUDA has updated to version 11.6, which can be installed by Nvidia Instruction: wget https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/11.6
I have recently reset my laptop and installed Anaconda in it, and I tried to open JupyterLab but it gives me error Error executing Jupyter command 'lab': [WinE
I am trying to make my own conda python environment on HPC server, and something very strange is happening. The problem After creating a new conda environment,
conda install -c anaconda -c conda-forge -c nvidia cudatoolkit=11 tensorflow-gpu=2 I want to install cudatoolkit=11 and tensorflow-gpu=2, but conda gave me th
Command line screen capture I have successfully installed Anaconda on my drive D and added it to my path so that I am able to access it from cmd without using t
I installed tensorflow 2 on my mac using conda according these instructions: conda create -n tf2 tensorflow Then I installed ipykernel to add this new enviro
I read that the prefix line in the environment.yaml file is not used by conda env create. Two of the posts on SO pointing to this fact are: export conda envir
A dependency conflict in conda environment seems to cause the environment to be in a state of self-conflict and it is unable to find any useful fix. I've tried
I have a git repo (repo1) that I installed into my conda environment (env1) as follows: conda activate env1 cd /path/to/repo1 pip install -e . If I move repo1
Typically one runs jupyter notebook or jupyter-notebook or ipython notebook in a terminal to start a Jupyter notebook webserver locally (and open the URL in the
I have been having a problem with my Spyder distribution since I attempted to install a new package (scikit-image): After attempting to install it, initially my
gonzo ~/a/packages conda env list # conda environments: # ppo_latest /nohome/jaan/abhishek/anaconda3/envs/ppo_latest root
When using Anaconda and VSCode on Windows 10, the VSCode debugger correctly activates the environment when I run/debug. But when I use the test module, it fails
My pip version is 22.0.4. I had the most recent version but had to downgrad because I noticed the same error mentioned here: https://github.com/jazzband/pip-too
I installed Conda using the scripts from bootstrap-conda.sh and install-conda-env.sh Conda was installed successfully. When I install the first package, e.g.