I want to make my writing to the console output in a nice tidy human readable. here is how it looks now: ====================== Sat Apr 16 12:57:17 EDT 2022 ===
How to live changing in ruby, I receive API but it looks like: the number is 1 the number is 2 the number is 3 it's normal because inside the loop and when I u
i have console app for background job. the app will do like this, get data from database for the location we can call table A(have 100k data) and place to varia
Is there an easy way to read a single char from the console as the user is typing it in Java? Is it possible? I've tried with these methods but they all wait fo
I try to use Windows 10 command line to print colored messages on console, but with no success. According to the Log4j 2 documentation, I should add the Jansi j
Debug console i have this message when i do anything in android emulator in the flutter app
I was installing metasploit with termux and it said: termux output ~ $ ls <br> metasploit-framework storage wiki-termux<br> ~ $ cd metasploit-fram
I'm new to java programming. I'm trying to make a banking system log-in that locks the user after entering the wrong pin 3 times. I'm trying to merge 2 pieces o
Let's have a look at this: ✓ Hello, 世界 As you can see there is a unicode checkmark and chinese/japanese characters. In go, If I use MSYS
In my JavaFx project I use Hibernate to connect to a local Postgresql database. In Intellij the project runs and the connection works. Also when I start the for
I moved my project from desk to another. When I run php artisan it does not work. I tried to run composer update, but it returns the error Script @php a
I have a C++ application on Windows, that logs to stdout (via the Win32 api using WriteConsole). Each logline consists of some text and a trailing newline chara
The following code from NHOST (https://docs.nhost.io/get-started/quick-start/javascript-client): import { NhostClient } from '@nhost/nhost-js' const nhost = ne
When I worked on laravel local development server php artisan storage:link works fine for me. But when I transfer my site to production server then I saw my pub
I want to write the console output to a file AND to the console itself. To write the console output to a file I'm using this: ob_start(); ... ... $output = ob
Today I noticed strange statistics in my Google Play Developer Console in one of my application It is about Final installs on active devices: 17 July - th
I am a beginner in C# just recently learning it soon. Whenever I run my Project.cs file, it does not open in an external terminal despite the launch.json file h
I have some issues with Console when I try to call a Command from a Controller. I found a way in the Symfony CookBook : http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/
I'm running MySql Server 5.7.11 and this sentence: updated datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' is not working. Giving the error: ERROR 1067 (420
When I select any item from the console Log, is there any way to get access to the information is displaying? I'm interested in accessing the information as a s