Category "continuous-integration"

How to add config args to postgres service container in Github Action?

I am using Github Actions Service Container to start a postgres instance like so: name: Pull Request on: pull_request: branches: - main - sta

Laravel + phpunit + github actions = Failed asserting that '1' is identical to 1

I'm trying to make CI pipeline and run phpunit tests via GitHub actions. First of all: tests work fine on my local machine (mac os). Then, when I do git push my

How to use $this->session->set_userdata in codeigniter

I have some promblem with CI when i use $this->session->set_userdata Controller public function check_login() { $email = $this->input->pos

How to run GitHub Actions workflow only if the pushed files are in a specific folder

I have a folder structure that looks something like this. - folder1 - file1 - *other files* - folder2 - file1 - *other files* - .gitignore - package.jso

Export 'AmplifySignOut' was not found in '@aws-amplify/ui-react'

I am fresh new to AWS Amplify, so I am following a tutorial on AWS Build a Full-Stack React Application, it's on Virtual Box with the latest Ubuntu image. Durin

Jenkins deployment to Tomcat failed

I'm currently learning and implementing Jenkin's Pipeline for automated integration for java web application. My plan is that once developers successfully comm

Running a GUI application on a CI service without X11

I have a GUI application that I would like to set up testing for via GitHub Actions. I already have it set up so that GitHub Actions compiles the application on

Gitlab CI-CD using Fastlane An error occurred while installing rake (13.0.6), and Bundler cannot continue

I am trying to integrate CI-CD using Fastlane all the lanes are working fine in my personal laptop but when I try to push it on my repo and after the job starts

Check if the artifacts are generated and exist in GitHub CI

- name: Build Debug APK run: ./gradlew assembleDebug - name: Get Debug APK uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1 with:

Is there a way to change directory on AWS codebuild

With Snap-CI going away I've been trying to get our builds working on AWS CodeBuild. I have my buildspec.yml built out, but changing directories doesn't seem to

Azure yaml pipeline using "extends"

I am trying to use extends as part of my pipeline. I am trying to get the first basic step working from Azure docs ie # pythonparameter-template.yml pa

Teamcity - CI/CD - iOS - xcodebuild - signing - No signing certificate "iOS Development" found

I have Teamcity installed with an Agent on a MAC. When I try to build the iOS project I have this error: error: No signing certificate "iOS Development" found:

GitHub Actions - parallel self-hosted runners on the same machine

Question related to the topic of Parallelism in Self-Hosted Runners: One self-hosted runner can only run one job at a time, when no available runners are id

App Store Connect: automate releasing/updating app after submit for review with "Manually release this version"

This may sound paradoxical. My goal is to find a tool which automates the process of logging in to App Store Connect, and click the Make App Available button. T

AttributeError when using Github self-hosted runners to run unit test

Hello~ I am trying to use Github workflow to run the unit test for the code in my repository. So I wrote a yaml file, its function is when I push my code to my

Maybe the error shown is caused by using the wrong version of Xcode

I have an already working react-native project, with bitrise and fastlane deploy also configured. I used to build the app with the xcode 12.5 version, but with

Cypress test not finding element when ran in Gitlab CI

I'm using Cypress for automated testing. An app built in React with Next.js The tests pass locally with cypress open and cypress run but fail within GitLab CI.

FATAL: Failed to start gitlab-runner: "launchctl" failed with stderr: Load failed: 5: Input/output error

After installing and registering gitlab-runner, when I'm running gitlab-runner start I get this error message. What will be the reason for this ? Runtime platfo

.gitlab-ci.yml Syntax Error

I'm working with the following .gitlab-ci.yml config: image: node:latest stages: - build - test build: stage: build script: - npm install test

GitLab - dont wait for all jobs in the previous stage to be finished

In my pipeline, the two last stages are Deploy and Qa-test. It look like this: Now I need to run integration-tests automatically when the deploy-stag job is fi