Category "conv-neural-network"

Why is my tensorflow model transforming binary classification labels from 0 and 1 to .7?

I have been working on a tensorflow model that predicts short term positive and negative trends in the stock market using momentum indicators. I have the model

Training a u-net for multi-landmark heatmap regression producing the same heatmap for each channel

I’m training a U-Net (model below) to predict 4 heatmaps (gaussian centered around a keypoint, one in each channel). Each channel is for some reason outpu

model training got stuck after first epoch got completed...2nd epoch won't even start and not throwing any error too it justs stay idle

screenshot showing the model training stuck at epoch 1 without throwing error I am using google colab pro and here is my code snippet batch_size = 32 img_heigh

Combination of two Neural Networks

I want to use an image segmentation program which use CNN and fuse it with another lane detection network. Is it possible to train these two networks separately

Deeplabv3 validation loss is nan

I had around 360 images splitted %25 as validation data. I could train Deeplabv3 with those images without any issue. Later on I have added around 40 images wi

I this the correct way of computing the average accuracy?

I am fairly new to coding and getting confused between average accuracy and overall accuracy. I have created a function to calculate accuracy, i then divide thi

Got: TypeError: 'bool' object is not callable when building CNN using PyTorch

I got the following error when using PyTorch to build a convolutional neural network TypeError: 'bool' object is not callable. Attached is the related code: cla

About 2D convolutions and how they produce a 1 channel image

Trying to understand 2D convolutions, I ran into the following image, which has me confused: If I understood correctly: the blue shape is the input the orange

Model accuracy not improving in CNN for image classification

I am using ResNext architecture for classification. the training dataset contains approximately 31000 images distributed among 61 classes. And validation datase

(Faster R-CNN) ROI Pooling layer is not differentiable w.r.t the box coordinates

The paper reports that "having an RoI pooling layer that is differentiable w.r.t the box coordinates is a nontrivial problem" and refers to "ROI Warping" (crops

InvalidArgumentError: input depth must be evenly divisible by filter depth: 3 vs 6

input_shape=(100,100,6) input_tensor=keras.Input(input_shape) model.add(Conv2D(32, 3, padding='same', activation='relu', input_shape=input_shape))

Running a fine-tune model for my CNN : Value Error

So I am trying to use a pre-trained model on my data set to then compare it to my own cnn model. However, I see an error as soon as I try to do model. fit so mu

using ImageFolder with albumentations in pytorch

I have a situation where I need to use ImageFolder with the albumentations lib to make the augmentations in pytorch - custom dataloader is not an option. To thi

error: (-2:Unspecified error) Can't create layer "NoOp" of type "NoOp" in function 'cv::dnn::dnn4_v20210608::LayerData::getLayerInstance'

I am using tensorflow 2.4 and Cuda 11. I've build a CNN model from scratch using tensorflow and frozen it to create the .pb and .pbtxt file.Now I am trying to m

Error in loading image_dataset_from_directory in tensorflow?

This is the code from import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from tensorflo

Training simple CNN-LSTM model

I have a task for my project paper and I do not get how to train the model. This model is supposed to take an image and segment it into different classes. The h

How can I save the output of a convolution layer with and without a dilation rate as images

I want to save a image file to see about difference using convolution layer with dilation rate and without that. Of course I can search images about that, but I

Getting "ValueError: 'outputs' must be defined before the loop." error while fitting model

I made a CNN model for training b/w images for training it on TPU on dimension of 100*100. Added the basic callback but after running it, it was giving outputs

Deep learning CNN: low accuracy

I am training a convolutional neural network for binary time series classification. The training accuracy on both models is very different. If on the first it g

What is the meaning of "trainable_weights" in Keras?

If I freeze my base_model with trainable=false, I get strange numbers with trainable_weights. Before freezing my model has 162 trainable_weights. After freezin