I am currently creating some custom flows, sending back and forth some data through the session. I noticed that in some cases (for example if a responder flow h
I'm trying to use the token SDK for the first time and I am not being able to redeem the correct amount of tokens from a specific Corda account. How I am issuin
I am new to Corda and am designing a Cordap. I want to display the states onto the terminal based on some arguments passed during initiating the flow. My appro
I created a very easy flow test with IntelliJ. @Test public void dummyTest() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { Party Alice = alic
How does a notary/node verify that a specific flow has been called when it receives the transaction? Does this mean Corda can guarantee that the flow has not
As per the Corda coding guidelines, I have seperated out modules into contracts and workflows-common. There are workflows modules like workflows-party1, workflo
Imagine a real world business process which can take weeks shall be mapped to single or multiple Corda Flows. As long living flows have impact of SW lifecycle (
Project: ContractUpgradeFlow Project Link: https://github.com/corda/contract-upgrades I tried to create my own Contract Upgrade flow, so I copied the code for
We need a logic for the following scenario: Say for example, we have three parties, Party A, B and C. We have two states, state X and state Y. Party A, and Part
I'm trying to create a flow to Issue and Move currency. The Contract i have use is the CommercialPaper from the tutorial https://docs.corda.net/tutorial-cont
I am trying to create a simple flow test which involves the CashV1 contract which I have adapted from the original cash contract in the corda example. The test
What's the main purpose of this "issueRef" parameter? And why the samples just put OpaqueBytes.of("1".getBytes() or OpaqueBytes.of(0x01) Is it just to lin
As the Contract code, must the Flow code be the same on all nodes? Supposing it's allowed to have different code, how does Corda handle that, in the sense of co
When trying to run the Example CorDapp (GitHub CorDapp) via IntelliJ, I receive the following error: Cannot inline bytecode built with JVM target 1.8 into byte
I have defined a custom QueryableState whose persistent counterpart is defined by the code below @Entity @Table(name = "contract_course_class_state") data class
I have defined a custom QueryableState whose persistent counterpart is defined by the code below @Entity @Table(name = "contract_course_class_state") data class