I made my app and it work well in emulator and many actual device. Recently, I checked crash report on Google play console and found crash report "Caused by:
I want to disable the default Expo splash screen and show my custom screen component. I've removed the following code from app.json but still there is a white b
Here's the code for the splash screen. import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Window 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15 import "compon
I'm having issues with the Ionic Capacitor Splashscreen. I've tried to use the official documentation which can be found here. However none of the examples in t
I currently have a splashScreenActivity that requires the User the press on a button to go to the MainActivity. Would it be possible to load all the contents o
I am working on an application with dynamic splash screen images. This is how I have implemented it. class _SplashScreenState extends State<SplashScreen>
In terms of PWA splash screens, do people think the code at https://pwa-splash.now.sh/ and https://medium.com/@applification/progressive-web-app-splash-screens-
When I encode videos by FFMpeg I would like to put a jpg image before the very first video frame, because when I embed the video on a webpage with "video" html5
I am creating a game. At the moment, for my splash screen, I use an image. The problem is it stretches. How do I prevent that? android:layout_width="match_p