Category "cordova"

Not able to access CSS from the phone storage in Cordova

I am trying to access CSS file from phone storage in Cordova. The simple use case is to use dynamic CSS. Donwload the CSS from the server on a specific interval

Android - Is there a way to set padding to a webview content?

I've a BottomNavigationView with radius borders, and I need to see the content of the pages passing between the borders. But, one of the BottomNavigationView's

How to store a document files in root media or root directory using cordova android 10.0.0 (API30) APK

facing an issue while downloading a file in media directory (file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/Media/) Used plugin: [email protected] 2.cordova-plu

Device Compatibility with Google Pixel 6 and latest Samsung Galaxy models in Cordova

Our Cordova apps are not showing in the Play Store for the latest Google Pixel and Samsung Galaxy phones. The store says the application is not compatible wit

'cordova platform add ios' returns 'Failed to fetch platform cordova-ios@^6.1.0'

Trying to follow the Create Your First Cordova App instructions at, when trying to add any platform, I get

Error 10 in Google Login plugin for Ionic/Angular/Cordova

I'm quite new to all that technologies, but trying to develop an android app with Ionic 6 and Angular 9, compiling with Cordova and publishing in Google Play. E

Build Android Cordova Android-Sdk Deprecated

I want to build cordova androd app, when i run cordova build, its return error: Checking Java JDK and Android SDK versions ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=undefined (recommend

Ionic Blank Screen After Updated It to Ionic 6

I updated my ionic app to Ionic 6, and when I tried to run my app and It gives me a full Blank Screen, and only this error on the debug console: main.js:1 ERROR

Using Unity Ads Cordova Plugin in Capacitor

I would like to use com-artemisoftnian-plugins-unityads3 Cordova plugin inside my Capacitor app. As you know that plugin is not one of Ionic Native plugins. I a

Getting install FCM plugin issue even if plugin is installed

I am building push notification for my app but when I am running my app on device I am getting following error: vendor-es2015.js:101693 Native: tried calling FC

cordova-plugin-firebase is not working in ionic 3

i want integration cordova-plugin-firebase in ionic 3 added this plugin $ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebase $ npm install --save @ionic-native

Ionic 3 Volume Key Event Capture

What I want to do is call one of my functions whenever the user presses the volume up or the volume down buttons on the phone. What I tried so far is using the

Phonegap ajax request error - 'certificate has expired'

My server SSL certificate has expired, so I renewed it. But when I try to access the server through my PhoneGap app (POST request), it throws a 'certificate has

How to link from Cordova app to Waze deep linking?

I am trying to make a link from my cordova app to directly open the Waze app, but this opens something like "browserly" waze, instead of the real app. This is w

Ionic 3 Livereload not working on Android device

In one of my projects where the --livereload flag was working , suddenly the feature is not working but I see Launch Success message on my console. After launch

Cordova 10 and Android SDK 30 : cannot access local file ("Not allowed to load local resource: file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data...")

I'm trying to update my cordova application to use SDK 30 instead of 29, and I have a problem I cannot resolve. Apparently, the default value of setAllowAccessF

HTML datalist is not working since Android 8 or higher in WebView

HTML datalist element is not working since Android 8 in Chrome WebView (Hybrid Apps). However, it's working with previous Android versions. Problem If I try t

Cordova Android app Navigation Bar and Status Bar flicker or turn solid white

We are deploying our web application to Android 8 using Cordova 9.0 on a Zebra TC-57 device, which has the soft Navigation Bar (Back, Home, Recent soft buttons)

Ionic3 MainActivity ClassNotFoundException on Android 4.4 (Kitkat)

I have an app using Ionic 3 and Cordova-Android 6.4.0. The app works fine on Android API levels > 19 (Kitkat). But running the app on Android 4.4 causes the

Ionic invalid package name __ngcc_entry_points__.json

I'm almost finished developing my application with ionic and angular. Unfortunately, I'm totally stuck. I can't build my application (on android) anymore. Here'