Category "cordova"

Build Android Cordova Android-Sdk Deprecated

I want to build cordova androd app, when i run cordova build, its return error: Checking Java JDK and Android SDK versions ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=undefined (recommend

Ionic Blank Screen After Updated It to Ionic 6

I updated my ionic app to Ionic 6, and when I tried to run my app and It gives me a full Blank Screen, and only this error on the debug console: main.js:1 ERROR

Using Unity Ads Cordova Plugin in Capacitor

I would like to use com-artemisoftnian-plugins-unityads3 Cordova plugin inside my Capacitor app. As you know that plugin is not one of Ionic Native plugins. I a

Getting install FCM plugin issue even if plugin is installed

I am building push notification for my app but when I am running my app on device I am getting following error: vendor-es2015.js:101693 Native: tried calling FC

cordova-plugin-firebase is not working in ionic 3

i want integration cordova-plugin-firebase in ionic 3 added this plugin $ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebase $ npm install --save @ionic-native

Ionic 3 Volume Key Event Capture

What I want to do is call one of my functions whenever the user presses the volume up or the volume down buttons on the phone. What I tried so far is using the

Phonegap ajax request error - 'certificate has expired'

My server SSL certificate has expired, so I renewed it. But when I try to access the server through my PhoneGap app (POST request), it throws a 'certificate has

How to link from Cordova app to Waze deep linking?

I am trying to make a link from my cordova app to directly open the Waze app, but this opens something like "browserly" waze, instead of the real app. This is w

Ionic 3 Livereload not working on Android device

In one of my projects where the --livereload flag was working , suddenly the feature is not working but I see Launch Success message on my console. After launch

Cordova 10 and Android SDK 30 : cannot access local file ("Not allowed to load local resource: file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data...")

I'm trying to update my cordova application to use SDK 30 instead of 29, and I have a problem I cannot resolve. Apparently, the default value of setAllowAccessF

HTML datalist is not working since Android 8 or higher in WebView

HTML datalist element is not working since Android 8 in Chrome WebView (Hybrid Apps). However, it's working with previous Android versions. Problem If I try t

Cordova Android app Navigation Bar and Status Bar flicker or turn solid white

We are deploying our web application to Android 8 using Cordova 9.0 on a Zebra TC-57 device, which has the soft Navigation Bar (Back, Home, Recent soft buttons)

Ionic3 MainActivity ClassNotFoundException on Android 4.4 (Kitkat)

I have an app using Ionic 3 and Cordova-Android 6.4.0. The app works fine on Android API levels > 19 (Kitkat). But running the app on Android 4.4 causes the

Ionic invalid package name __ngcc_entry_points__.json

I'm almost finished developing my application with ionic and angular. Unfortunately, I'm totally stuck. I can't build my application (on android) anymore. Here'

How to build cordova project with Kotlin

I have a cordova project folder www already in progress. Build this and you will have an Android project. This will create a file. I don't

Qiblah Direction - Using cordova device orientation - IONIC/AngularJS

Developing Hybrid app using IONIC/Angularjs for Android/IPhone, Trying to implement Qiblah direction using Cordova device orientation, Below is the logic for th

Http and Https calls not working after Cordova upgrade

I built an app by using Cordova and it's in production for more than years. Recently few days back I upgraded my Cordova version from 9.x to 10.x. After upgrade

Push notifications not work in IOS IONIC 4 cordova

I’m using Ionic 4 and ANGULAR version 9 trying to send notification in IOS using Cordova. I did all the requirements to push IOS notification and it was w

Cordova InAppBrowser - How to return to app on iOS device after clicking link

I am trying to allow the user of my Cordova iOS app to click a link in the app to visit a website and be able to return to the mobile app. The issue

Error: Package "@ionic/angular-toolkit" has no builders defined

[error] Error: Package "@ionic/angular-toolkit" has no builders defined.} at WorkspaceNodeModulesArchitectHost.resolveBuilder (C:\Users\Lenovo\Documents\kr