Category "cordova-plugins"

Device Compatibility with Google Pixel 6 and latest Samsung Galaxy models in Cordova

Our Cordova apps are not showing in the Play Store for the latest Google Pixel and Samsung Galaxy phones. The store says the application is not compatible wit

Getting install FCM plugin issue even if plugin is installed

I am building push notification for my app but when I am running my app on device I am getting following error: vendor-es2015.js:101693 Native: tried calling FC

cordova-plugin-firebase is not working in ionic 3

i want integration cordova-plugin-firebase in ionic 3 added this plugin $ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebase $ npm install --save @ionic-native

Ionic keyboard.isVisible property does not control element visibility properly

After many years of reading your answers I have my first question. SITUATION In Ionic Angular (v5.3.1) mobile application I'm trying to do simple task - hide el

Voxeet Cordova - CFBundleIdentifier Collision

I was able to add the plugin upgrading xcode version to 13. I test my app and everything is working but then I try to archive the .ipa and upload it to the appS

Cordova InAppBrowser - How to return to app on iOS device after clicking link

I am trying to allow the user of my Cordova iOS app to click a link in the app to visit a website and be able to return to the mobile app. The issue

How to read choosen file content in Cordova app?

I want to perform the below task in my Cordova android app Give the user the ability to choose any txt file from his device. Then the file content I need to rea

Cordova/Phonegap NFC Plugin NDEF_PUSH_DISABLED

I am trying to build a basic Cordova NFC App using the plugin phonegap-nfc that sends one message using NDEF Peer-to-Peer Messaging from one device to another.

Cordova (android) : Avoid the grey background before splash screen

How to avoid the dark grey background which will flash for a second before the splash screen appears in android app built by Cordova ?

Ionic cordova-plugin-qrscanner has no camera preview

I run a simple demo to use cordova-plugin-qrscanner, it can scan qrcode but no camera preview. qrscannerDemo on Github Related code blow: import { Compon

How to add basic UI components in cordova project?

I am beginner of cordova learning project and creating a sample application using eclipse. Using CSS file I am able to change image, height, width, margin and p

Got error when deploy adapter in mfpdev

I am working on IBM MobileFirst platform 8.0 when i deploy the created adapter i get some error.I am new here.Please help me. this is the error i got.I can crea