Category "importerror"

Import Error: can't import name gcd from fractions

I'm trying to import a function called gcd from a module called fractions with from fractions import gcd. For some reason, PyCharm throws an ImportError: fr

Django-plolty-dash errors: for ImportError: Can't import 'Dash' from 'dash'

Python version: 3.7.9 Django version: 3.1.1 django_plotly_dash: 1.4.2 I have tried to install django_plotly_dash package after I tested the Django project coul

ImportError: cannot import name 'Message' from partially initialized module 'pyrogram.types' can not import it

I am using pyrogram in a program but when i run the program it gives import error i uninstalled and reinstalled it but the problem is still there. I am not able

Django ImportError: cannot import name 'python_2_unicode_compatible' from 'django.utils.encoding'

I know others have had a similar issues with and getting this same error, but I think my situation is unique. I am running Django 3.1.4 and on my local machine,

=importxml, Website to Google Sheets - getting #N/A every time

Website Link https://redacted xml options I have tried so far <span aria-labelledby="amount">722</span> //*[@id="amount"]/h3/span[2] /html/body/di

Import command fails when repository is used as a submodule

Sorry, I know it's a overasked topic but I'm pretty new to these stuff and didn't understand. I have a repository with the following structure: repo_name/

"Most likely due to circular import" in Python Visual Studio Code

import threading import time start = time.perf_counter() def do_something(): print("Sleeping in 1 second") time.sleep(1) print("Done sleeping") t

PyInstaller with Python: 3.10.0b4 - ImportError: No module named _bootlocale

I have Beta 4 of Python 10 installed (which I must use because I need pattern matching feature only available in v3.10): C:\Users\myname\Documents\Projects\Proj

After upgrading PySide6 gives error No module named 'PySide6.QtWidgets'

After upgrading to PySide6.3.0 getting error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PySide6.QtWidgets' source import sys from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplicati

in Jupyter Notebook ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'plotly'

I installed plotly library using anaconda prompt and it is appearing in my conda list. I can use it in Spyder but when i Import it in my Jupyter Notebook it Sho

ImportError: DLL load failed when importing sklearn in Jupyter with Anaconda

I updated Anaconda, and since then I can't import sklearn in my Jupyter Notebook. Here is my traceback: -------------------------------------------------------

minizinc python installation

I installed minizinc on python through anaconda prompt as normally with other packages. pip install minizinc The package says it was installed successfully and

ModuleNotFoundError when importing Pygame after pip install Pygame

I was trying to make a simple snake game in Python so I installed Pygame using pip install Pygame. After I installed it successfully, I tried importing Pygame b

Python3 - installing Scapy in OS

I installed the networking module Scapy. When I import scapy (import scapy) everything works fine. When I import all from scapy (from scapy.all import *), it br

not found utils/context.sol when i import from openzepplin

i have copied a contract from openzappline. but when i compile it on remix it gives me the error....that utils/context.sol is not found. here is the import prag

What does "Symbol not found / Expected in: flat namespace" actually mean?

When I import a module I built, I get this boost-python related error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module> Im

ImportError: No module named _thread

Compiling python2 in vscode gives an error. But when I compile python3 it succeeds. print('test') returns: ImportError: No module named _thread PS C:\source>

Django Import Error: No module named apps

I just checked out a project with git. The project structure is project apps myapp settings

using python faker library but have import error

I had this line in my code from faker import Factoryand I had the error ImportError: no module named faker. So I looked up on Stack Overflow and pip installed f

iam running this program in pycharm and then countered with this problem

from mediapipe.python._framework_bindings import resource_util ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _framework_bindings: The specified module could not