Category "cordova"

Cordova console.log not working

Hello I downloaded and installed node.js as I have done million times also I installed cordova as mentioned in their docs. Furthermore I installed console.plugi

how to add to settings.gradle in cordova

This is the same question I am to new to comment on it to see if he found a answer Cordova is generating a new settings.gradle file when you run "cordova build

Cordova build changes distributionUrl in file

I keep getting the following build exception when I run cordova run android --verbose What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating root project 'android'

Cordova (android) : Avoid the grey background before splash screen

How to avoid the dark grey background which will flash for a second before the splash screen appears in android app built by Cordova ?

Gradle error : Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL:

I have this error in the apps that I'm currently building on: C:\mobile\xtern_mobile\ST>cordova run android ANDROID_HOME=C:\Users\myPC\AppData\Local\Android\

HTML5 datalist tag is not working in android

I am using the datalist tag to provide auto-complete to an input text. The tag is working fine on desktop chrome but it's not working when I test it on my phon

Plugin should use a background thread ( Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' )

i am trying to use cordova keychain [plugin][1] for ios, inside my ionic application. but facing this error 6:48 PM2020-07-14 18:44:32.456726+0500 Farsh[1817:5

How to add basic UI components in cordova project?

I am beginner of cordova learning project and creating a sample application using eclipse. Using CSS file I am able to change image, height, width, margin and p

Got error when deploy adapter in mfpdev

I am working on IBM MobileFirst platform 8.0 when i deploy the created adapter i get some error.I am new here.Please help me. this is the error i got.I can crea

Failed to load resource: Preflight response is not successful

Am trying to call CORS Rest API but am getting this error: Failed to load resource: Preflight response is not successful This happens on my cordova apps a

Firebase Project Results in "Auth/network-request-failed" error on login

I'm running into a strange problem with my Cordova Project that uses Firebase. It works perfectly in browser, but when I run my app on an emulator or phone (And

Phonegap Android permissions, config.xml and plugins

I have a Phonegap app that I'm currently developing and testing for Android. Problem is, when I publish to device, the Android Manifest is full of permission re

How can I display an Iframe in an iOS app

I have an app created through cordova (just cordova not ionic) for both Android and iOS. The app has an integrated iFrame, which works well in the generated APK

Using a QRCode scanner in an inappbrowser with cordova and MVC

I have to make a qrcode scanner for a mvc application that is embedded in cordova as an in app browser. So far I can scan a qrcode in cordova app: document.addE

How to trigger cordova's backbutton event programatically

I'm developing a phonegap app based on jQuery mobile. I'm trying to put a button in my app, behaving like back button on android devices. I don't want just a h