Category "core-bluetooth"

Bluetooth 5.1 Angle of Arrival backward compatibility

I am currently designing a simple indoor location project to evaluate possibilities of Bluetooth 5.1 standard. The feature I would like to use is AoA (Angle of

Anything equivalent to Android-Scanner-Compat-Library for iOS?

Looking for BLE scanner similar to Android-Scanner-Compat-Library for iOS ? Using scanForPeripheralsWithServices but some time BLE peripheral (device ) not f

Core Bluetooth. How can I check does peripheral already connect?

During development I got a problem witch related to the connection central and peripheral. When one of the central already connected with perepheral I have to d

How do I handle NSInlineData from Bluetooth scanning?

I want to use data that is passed through Bluetooth scan. and I want to split and use data from NSInlineData. I import data via Bluetooth scan as follows. fun

iOS Extending background time for beacon monitoring

I'm developing an iOS swift app for traveling, the concept of the app is after validating the trip with the user, while in trip, the app keeps ranging for bluet