Category "cross-browser"

Check if Intl.DateTimeFormat options.dateStyle is supported?

Is there any way to check if the dateStyle option is supported in the Intl.DateTimeFormat API? I just became aware that older versions of Safari support Intl.Da

CSS Animation Behaving Differently on Safari / All iPhone Browsers

I've been stuck on this problem for 3 days and have scoured the Internet for a solution, but haven't been able to find one that works yet. I have an animation o

Safari CSS relative parent & relative child with pseudo selector does not match other browsers output

I am not looking for an answer to fix the code, moreso an answer or explanation as to why. Safari will render children elements with a relative parent in a comp

"Unexpected identifier" error for first object (Safari only)

When I run the following code in Safari (and only Safari), the Javascript won't load in the browser: $(document).ready(function() { let dataX = { last:

Can we run/test desktop applications on browserStack?

Can anyone let me know whether we will be able to run/test desktop applications on BrowserStack? I'm exploring options to test one of the desktop applications o

why does display:table break absolute position on safari only?

how it should be and looks on chrome and firefox: how it looks on safari: removing display:table fixes the positioning, but i need that for the styling (

Center align text in select drop down for all browsers

How do I Center align text in select drop down for all browsers? Its center aligned in Firefox, but it comes to left in Chrome and Safari. CSS: .challenge{