I have a gcc 2.95.1 binary installed on a Solaris 8 VM. For an experiment, I'm trying to get it working in a NetBSD environment. However, I can't run the compil
I have an Angular 9 + Ionic 5 application, deployed as PWA, Android and IOS apps. We use google's universal, cross-platform URL to launch Google Maps, as descri
I am about to start development of a software project that should run on Linux and Windows if possible. As I already have some experience with C# I am eager to
A website is already made up and I have to make application of that website using flutter but the website is not using Firebase authentication and sending email
This is a simple need of selecting build type when calling conan build. Normally we have to call conan install with the desired build type and then conan build
I have the same Bash script that I am running on Linux, Mac, and Windows (with Git Bash). How can I make sure that the path is converted to a Windows-style path
I need to open the default audio capture device and start recording. libsox seems to be a nice cross-platform solution. Using the binary frontend, I can just re
How can I load an Avalonia application to the systemtray and set the menu items?
I am a newbie in Xamarin Forms, I create a ContentPage for Menu. I need linear gradient color at its background. But I can't find any link which tell me how to
I am trying to list all the system users, I know that on Linux I could use awk -F: '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd and on Windows I could use wmic useraccount get na
I am trying to develop an desktop application using Avalonia. In my application the main window is the login form, but actually I don't want to always show the
I am creating a PHP app, and using Docker + Docker Compose to run it. My problem is, I want users to be able to run my project on any OS with no hassle. Howeve
My question actually has two variants, but for some context, I have a C++ *.DLL that I use with Unity using P/Invoke. It's built on Windows 10 with MSBuild (pla
How to avoid the dark grey background which will flash for a second before the splash screen appears in android app built by Cordova ?
I am working on a cross platform app using mapbox gl with flutter. It has been built for Android and works as expected there, and I am trying to get it working
I have published a native app with package name e.g (com.hamzamuazzam.foo) in Google Playstore and I want to update my app that is now made in flutter , also ha
I am learning Dart and was wondering if there are many more programming languages that compile to native machine code across many platforms like IOS, Android, W
How to get a list of child process ID's from a given parent process ID in a cross-platform manner in C and C++ without using command line? I provided an answer
I'd like to be able to add lines to the beginning of a file. This program I am writing will take information from a user, and prep it to write to a file. That
I need to monitor servers in a cross-platform environment : Windows, Unix (Aix, Solaris) and Linux. It means : get processes, find some files, ... So i am focu