I am trying to have the header of each of my app's pages change color based on the current page. How I am trying to achieve this: <Header className="headerBi
I have a project where css modules works without an issue and recently I started incorporating responsiveness on it. Our current setup is that we have a typogra
Is there a way to configure emmet in visual studio code to use React's CSS modules? When I type... div.container and hit tab, it becomes <div className="con
I am trying to create a stateless component in React with the sole purpose of acting as a reusable wrapper. I am also using CSS Modules because I want to have f
I have a component that makes use of CSS-Modules, by means of the babel-plugin-react-css-modules plugin. At some points during the lifetime of the component I
Is it possible in one CSS Module to use a class from another CSS Module? The problem is that CSS Modules is doing it's own class names translation and so .class
colleagues! Need a piece of advice! Micro frontend in singleSpaReact does not load root's component CSS at the mounting, but only page CSS according routing nav
I have the following component: import React from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import styles from './styles.module.scss'; const cx = classNam
I'm using css modules in a create-react-app project (React V17.0.2 / React-Scripts V4.0.3). All seems well in local but the styles break in production (hosted
I am trying to generate static html from react using renderToStaticMarkup method. The problem I am facing right now is that I am not able to import css into rea