Category "css-modules"

passing props as classNames in next.js

I am trying to have the header of each of my app's pages change color based on the current page. How I am trying to achieve this: <Header className="headerBi

CSS Modules - `compose` defined on `media-query` overrides styling outside of `media-query`

I have a project where css modules works without an issue and recently I started incorporating responsiveness on it. Our current setup is that we have a typogra

React, Emmet, Visual Studio Code, and CSS-Modules

Is there a way to configure emmet in visual studio code to use React's CSS modules? When I type... div.container and hit tab, it becomes <div className="con

Workaround to add className to Fragment in React

I am trying to create a stateless component in React with the sole purpose of acting as a reusable wrapper. I am also using CSS Modules because I want to have f

Apply CSS Module class name by directly accessing the DOM

I have a component that makes use of CSS-Modules, by means of the babel-plugin-react-css-modules plugin. At some points during the lifetime of the component I

Is it possible to use a class from another CSS Module?

Is it possible in one CSS Module to use a class from another CSS Module? The problem is that CSS Modules is doing it's own class names translation and so .class

Loading micro frontend root App component's CSS in singleSpaReact on mounting to the host application

colleagues! Need a piece of advice! Micro frontend in singleSpaReact does not load root's component CSS at the mounting, but only page CSS according routing nav

TypeScript seems to be seeing a variable as 'any' even though it's defined

I have the following component: import React from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import styles from './styles.module.scss'; const cx = classNam

CSS Modules Breaking in Production with Create React App

I'm using css modules in a create-react-app project (React V17.0.2 / React-Scripts V4.0.3). All seems well in local but the styles break in production (hosted

how to import css file in react when generating static html and inject imported css into html head tag?

I am trying to generate static html from react using renderToStaticMarkup method. The problem I am facing right now is that I am not able to import css into rea