Category "csvhelper"

How to parsegju,jk

I have to parse a TSV file which has the following structure: [Secti "1 2" "2 3"his?

How to ignore empty rows in CSV when reading

Trying to read a CSV file that has empty rows (usually at the end) using CsvHelper.GetRecords<T>(). Without the empty rows this works a treat. However i

How to ignore empty rows in CSV when reading

Trying to read a CSV file that has empty rows (usually at the end) using CsvHelper.GetRecords<T>(). Without the empty rows this works a treat. However i

CsvHelper mapping issue

I have a question related to CsvHelper library and I cannot figure out how to map a csv file to the following MyClass object. the csv file look like: id, Proper

Trying to implement a type converter for CsvHelper has no effect

I am trying to globally register a CsvHelper type converter that handles the value NULL for a decimal?, but when I do the registration is ignored and the conver

Using CSVHelper to output stream to browser

I'm trying to use CSVHelper to generate a CSV file and send it back to a browser, so the user can select a save location and filename and save the data. The w