Category "cv2"

Concatenate images from folders by their ORDER in python

I know how to concatenate two exact images, but I need to combine two images each from their own folder. I cannot do it by name of the image or don´t know

AttributeError: module 'cv2' has no attribute 'VideoCapture'

I had some problems with Opencv - cv2 in Python. This attribute problem also happens with "imread." I tried to uninstall and reinstall with contrib-Opencv,but i

Python CV2 video writer doesn't save video

I have a simple python code using OpenCV and Keras that performs some detections on frames (follow-up from my previous question here). But when I want to record

Python CV2 video writer doesn't save video

I have a simple python code using OpenCV and Keras that performs some detections on frames (follow-up from my previous question here). But when I want to record

How to use DeepFace.detectFace() to actually detect a face in an image?

I am trying to identify and count the number of human faces in a every picture of a folder full of pictures, I am using Deepface to get the job done. I have onl

opencv video window not opening though sucess true and camera opens wbut no video window

Can somebody help me with finding error on the below code? I am working on tutorial Face Detect Attendance system python opencv but cv fails to load camera....

OpenCV AttributeError module 'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'Tracker_create'

I have tried to run this code but get an Attribute Error. Any help would be greatly appreciated. import cv2 import sys (major_ver, minor_ver, subm

How to connect broken lines into one continuous line?

I have this picture: As you can see, some lines are not connected. These lines were drawn using semantic segmentation. What I want is to connect these lines, b

How to determine travel distance of an object between frames, using a moving object and camera

If you have a video file with a moving object, as well as a moving camera, is it possible to track the distance that the object moved between 10 or 20 frames? I

CV2: "[ WARN:0] terminating async callback" when attempting to take a picture

I am trying to take a picture from the defualt carmera with python, to do this I am using openCV (import cv2 from python shell). However, when I attempt to disa

increase opencv webcam speed

i need to capture a video with my webcam. I would like to use open cv for my usage. The skript you can find down under needs a bunch of time to start the captur

How to recalculate the coordinates of a point after scaling and rotation?

I have the coordinates of 6 points in an image (170.01954650878906, 216.98866271972656) (201.3812255859375, 109.42137145996094) (115.70114135742188, 210.427291

cv2.VideoWriter only generate empty file

When I tried to make a video by opencv2, I always end up having an empty file. My python version is 2.7.13 and opencv version is 3.2.0. I am using Windows. I tr

'no module named cv2' import error on pytorch

I am currently studying Pytorch and trying to use the cv2 module. I am using Jupyter notebook and Windows. I have installed opencv like this: !pip install op

Does Python modules like pyttsx3,opencv conflict in Windows 11?

My code: import pyttsx3 #sapi5 is default windows voice api engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5') voices = engine.getProperty('voices') print(voic

Python OpenCV Error: Current thread is not the object's thread

I'm having an error running simple code using cv2 module. It's just: import cv2 img = cv2.imread('sudoku.png',0) cv2.imshow('image',img) And it fails with

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cv2 (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for cv2

Hi my problem is that whenever i try to install a package (cv2)/(pip install cv2) it show an error as the title shows my code is a python code using opencv plea

Import error:DLL load failed:The specific module could not be found

I am trying to execute handtracking module program,but I am getting this dll error while trying to import handtracking module Program code: import cv2 from cvz