Category "dagger-hilt"

Is ApplicationComponent deprecated?

I just started using Dagger Hilt for dependency injection on Android and I get a warning on Android Studio saying 'ApplicationComponent' is deprecated. Deprecat

Is ApplicationComponent deprecated?

I just started using Dagger Hilt for dependency injection on Android and I get a warning on Android Studio saying 'ApplicationComponent' is deprecated. Deprecat

Cannot create instance of viewmodel after using Hilt in Android

Here is my AllFilesListViewModel class. class AllFilesListViewModel @ViewModelInject constructor( private val pdfItemRepository: PdfItemRepository):ViewMod

Cannot create instance of viewmodel after using Hilt in Android

Here is my AllFilesListViewModel class. class AllFilesListViewModel @ViewModelInject constructor( private val pdfItemRepository: PdfItemRepository):ViewMod

Jetpack Compose + Hilt: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot create an instance of class ViewModel

I started trying jetpack Compose recently and used hilt & hilt-navigation-compose for my app. It works fine with the first ViewModel. However, when I try th

Modules that need to be instantiated by Hilt must have a visible, empty constructor

@Module @InstallIn(SingletonComponent::class) class WheelModule constructor(val size:Int) { @Provides fun provideWheel():Wheel = Wheel(size) } Module