Category "k3s"

RBAC (Role Based Access Control) on K3s

after watching a view videos on RBAC (role based access control) on kubernetes (of which this one was the most transparent for me), I've followed the steps, how

Decoupling K3S and containerd

I am trying to run k3s on a pre-installed cointainerd on the node. My goal in general is that when k3s is stopped, containerd will keep running. It is also pref

Cannot connect to cassandra from within the same k3s cluster

I have deployed cassandra in my local k3s cluster with the below command: helm install monitoring-cassandra bitnami/cassandra --set dbUser.password="cassandra"

k3s redirect http to https

I'm trying to deploy AWX on k3s and everything works just fine, however I'd like to enforce SSL - so, redirect HTTP to HTTPS. I've been trying to test the SSL e

k3s failed to get Kubernetes server version: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused"

I have a weird problem that I cannot understand. Running a k3s cluster with an external mysql database on ubuntu server 18.04 LTSall the pods that come pre-inst

How to ssh into rancher desktop node?

I just started to use Rancher and request to correct me for any wrong terminology. Earlier I was using minikube on Macbook which provide SSH easily using miniku