Category "dart"

The argument type 'Object?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'String' latest version

Hers is the part from code.dart: final List<Map< String,Object>> question = [ { 'questionText': 'what\'s your favorite\'s color?',

How do you add a label (title text) to a Checkbox in Flutter?

I am playing with Checkbox to see how it works, but I don't see a title option with it. Checkbox( title: Text("Checkbox label"), // The named parameter 'ti

Truecaller like alert dialog in dart

I am trying to implement a true caller like alert dialog in flutter. Since I am very new to flutter+dart, I was looking for any out of the box implementation. S

How to change uploader of flutter package

I have uploaded a package with an email and then I changed to another email. So in order to replace email I've added by using pub uploader add [email protected]. a

How to open flutter application from url?

For example, i have case in my flutter app when user can recover his password. In that case user will receive link on e-mail, and i want by clicking on that lin

flutter scrollIntoView

This method appears to be for testing, but I actually need to scroll a widget onto the screen after rebuilding the UI with more widgets. This exists in the GWT

Fix google map marker in center

In my flutter app. I am using google_maps_plugin . The link is . I want to fix the m

Error: [core/no-app] No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase.initializeApp()

I am building a Flutter application and I have integrated Firebase, but I keep getting this error when I click on the login button. I have come across people wi

SOAP Request in Flutter/Dart

I need to make a SOAP request to a .NET Webservice (WSDL) with Flutter. This webservice has an basic auth (user, password) and some services with pre-defined e

How to exclude files from pub publish for Dart packages?

Is there any way to exclude certain files or directories from pub publish for dart packages? I am publishing a package that has so many screenshots. I want the

Dart, Can't call Generic's method

I am trying to create an abstract data model where i pass data and type a and then is return list, but when i can't call T.fromJson() method, note that passes t

How can I use a set state without stateful widget and I am using a search delegate in flutter/Dart?

what I want to do is that my search history can update it, I can´t delete a previous search with click on the delete icon but I want to use the set state

GestureDetector not working in Stack widget

So I'm trying to make a Stack of two buttons using GestureDetector where if I press one, it will overlap the other by half. But it's not detecting any gestures

Flutter: Application's locale is not supported by all of its localization delegates

Hello I am trying add BottomNavigationBar in flutter app but when i run project error occures : A MaterialLocalizations delegate that supports the ka_GE locale

White blank screen is displayed when I run my flutter app

I've already added a few dart files with Firebase integration and fixed deprications, but unfortunately it shows a white blank screen when I run my flutter app

What's the difference between Dart's analyzer and linter?

You must have seen inside a analysis_options.yaml: analyzer: exclude: [build] strong-mode: implicit-casts: false linter: rules: - camel_case_type

StackOverflowError was thrown building HeroControllerScope, flutter

I have a very large project in flutter which is connected with back4app i did some little changes last, it was working good today am trying to open my project i

Dart: Custom "copyWith" method with nullable properties

I'm trying to create a "copyWith" method for my class, and it works with most scenarios. The problem is when I try to set a nullable property to null, because m

Flutter:MainActivity cannot be converted to FlutterEngine in Java Native code

I am trying to create a plugin for Flutter in Java. I am trying to pass the Android activity parameter in my main Java class. This is my native code: package

Is a Firestore Query Snaphot in flutter ever null?

In my flutter app I am checking if a document exists based on certain parameters and based on snapshot.hasData build the widget. However I remember reading som